Boston Marriage 波士顿式婚姻
Boston Marriage n.波士顿的婚姻(两个女性长期共同居住在一起)。注意,这时候可不是说这两个女人是“拉拉”呀!这个说法得自美国东北部城市波士顿。1886年,美国作家亨利.詹姆斯描写两个未婚女人长期居住在一起的的小说《波士顿人》中,使用了Boston Marriage这个词,可能正是这部小说的影响力,使得这个词组得以迅速扩大了影响。05年,摩西去过一次这个城市,当时刚好是在三月中旬,但波士顿街道两边还是有许多冬天的积雪,那风刮在脸上还是挺疼的,因此,冷,这就是波士顿这座城市给我的最深的印象了。这个世界上有个非常美好的事物叫做“维基百科”,我们来看看“Wikipedia”上是怎么解释Boston Marriage的吧。Boston marriage as a term is said to have been in use in New England in the decades spanning the late 19th and early 20th centuries to describe two women living together, independent of financial support from a man. The term was little known until the debut in 2000 of the David Mamet play of the same name. Since 2000, many mentions of "Boston marriage" cite as examples the same few literary figures, in particular the Maine local color novelist Sarah Orne Jewett and Annie Adams Fields her late life companion, the widow of the editor of The Atlantic Monthly. There is often an assumption that in the era when the term was in use, it denoted a lesbian relationship. However, there is no documentary proof that any particular "Boston marriage" included sexual relations. In general, the amount of historical and social scientific knowledge of this phenomenon, and even of the currency of the term at the turn of the 20th century, is scant.