牛津初中英语8Aunit6词组1 reallywarm确实暖和
2 stayherefortoolong呆在这儿太久
3 mopsthup/ mopupsth把某物拖干净
4 naturaldisasters 自然灾害
5 badweather坏天气
6 losethegame 输了比赛
7 thousandsofpeople成千上万的人们
8 acaraccident一起车祸
9 crashinto撞到……上
10 washsthaway / washawaysth 把……冲走
11 fall(down) from 从……摔下来
12 thunderandlightning雷电
13 survivetheearthquake在地震中幸存下来
14 atfirst 起先
15 feelaslightshaking感到一阵轻微的震动
16 hearabignoiselikethunder 听到像雷一样的一阵巨响
17 lookateachotherinfear 惊恐地互相看看
18 likebombsbelowtheground 像地下的炸弹爆炸一样
19 runinalldirections 向四面八方逃跑
20 runoutoftheshoppingcenter 跑出购物中心
21 run outtothestreet 跑到街上
22 piecesofglass玻璃碎片
23 falldown摔下来
24 comedown倒下
25 calmdown 安静下来
26 betrapped陷入困境
27 saytooneself自言自语
28 amomentoffear片刻的恐惧
29 shout /scream forhelp大声喊救命
30 stayalive活着
31 haveapacketofchocolate吃一袋巧克力
32 hearexcitedshouts 听到兴奋的叫喊声
33 inagreathurry(todosth )极为匆忙地(做某事)
34 movesthaway / moveawaysth把……搬走
35 thenoiseofthunder 雷声
36 soundlike听起来像……
37 (be) around7 7摄氏度左右
38 dropalittle下降一点
39 become / getworse变得更糟
40 dropto-5 降到零下5摄氏度
41 besunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy 晴朗的/多云的/有雾的/有霜的/暴风雨的天气
42 makeexcuses / makeanexcuse 找借口
43 getallwet (混身)湿透了
44 tell / asksb (not)todosth叫某人(别)做某事
45 advisesb (not) todosth 建议某人(不要)做某事
46 ordersb(not) todosth 命令某人(不要)做某事
47 lockthedoor 锁门
48 rundownthestairs 跑下楼梯
49 walkoutoftheclassroomonebyone 一个接一个走出教室
50 anaccidentreport 一份事故报告
51 cover……with 用……覆盖……
52 becoveredwith被……覆盖
53 callthe110hotline打110热线
54 beserious严重的 somethingserious 一些严重的事
55 timeofarrival到达的时间
56 conditionsofvictims受害者的情况
57 hearabout / of听说
58 aheavystormwiththunderandlightning一阵大风暴伴随着雷电声
59 catch/ causefire 引起火灾
60 be (badly)hurt(严重)受伤
61 continuedtodosth继续做(同一件)事
62 fallover 绊倒
63 donothingbutdosth除了做某事外不做任何事
64 hearthe noiseoftraffic 听到车辆的声音
65 lookoutofthewindow朝窗外看
66 removethesnow把雪移走
67 turnoffthelights关灯
68 typhoonsignalnumber 台风信号
68 snowstormwarning风雪警报
69 rolluptrousers卷起裤子
70 inthewind 在风中
Accident report form
AccidentTheir housewasonfire .
Weather conditions Therewasalightnig
Date of call March8
Time of call 8.30a.m.
Name of caller Jim
Place onNanjingRoad
No. of victims three
Conditions of victimsJimandhismotherwereOk
Hisfater’slefthandwashurt .
Action Policemenarrivedat8.35a.m.
Jimcalledthe110hotlineat at8.30 a.m. onMarch.Theirhousewasonfire onNanjingRoad because therewasalightning . Heandhisparentsweretrappedinthehouse . HeandhismotherwereOK . Buthisfather’slefthandwashurt . The policemenarrivedat8.35 a.m.andsentthemtohospitalatonce . THANK YOU thanks a lot 谢谢,值得学习。很实用 Thank you very much! Thank you very much!{:1_32:} 谢谢分享!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much! thank you very much! 谢谢.辛苦了.楼主