之前尝试做的PPT,希望大家给点意见~诶。。怎么附件不见了= = 探讨中......{:1_30:} It's the first time time I come here 工作严谨认真一丝不苟对每个学生平等 I hope we all can grow up to be a good teacher through the exchange in this wesite . this is the first i've been here, how to download ? 半根烟 发表于 2013-5-13 08:33 static/image/common/back.gif
this is the first i've been here, how to download ?
附件在二楼,点二楼的压缩包~ 新人来学习,就是下载要付钱 把个学习的事弄成赚钱就有点不好了