故事的开头是这样的:From this May to last month, 44 year-old Tomomi Monmae has been busy. Almost everyday, she's called the police. She even called them over nine hundred times in the span of 24 hours.
从今年5月到12月,日本一位44岁的妇女Tomomi Monmae每天都很忙,忙着做一件事——给警察局拨打电话!据说她最忙的时候,24小时内拨打了900多次。
Website 47 News reports that repeatedly Monmae dialed 110, the Japanese police equivalent of 911, from her cell phone. She would often tell the police to arrest people she knew. She would also hang up before the operator could say anything.
根据47News 报道,Tomomi Monmae 每天都会拨打110,并且用自己的手机打。她打电话经常是叫警察逮捕某人,她认识的人。同时,她也会玩“接通就挂”这种游戏。
The police visited Monmae at her home around sixty times to caution her about her excessive calling. And this week, authorities finally arrested Monmae for interfering with police duties. Obviously, this woman needs help, and I'm not