www2001 发表于 2007-1-29 22:28:20

唯有女人心--Only a woman’s heart

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<CENTER><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt; FILTER: glow(color=#ffffff); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: red; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: 楷体_GB2312"><B>唯有女人心</B></FONT></CENTER>
<CENTER><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt; FILTER: glow(color=#ffffff); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: red; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black"><B>Only a woman’s heart </B></FONT></CENTER><BR><BR><BR>
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<CENTER><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FILTER: glow(color=#ffffff); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: red; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: mpact"><B>My heart is low<BR>    My heart is so low<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can be<BR>    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can know<BR>    The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes<BR>    Taste of bittersweet romance<BR>    You’re still in my hopes<BR>    You’re still on my mind oh<BR>    And even though I manage on my own<BR>        <BR>    My heart is low<BR>    My heart is so low<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can be<BR>    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can know<BR>      <BR>    When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul<BR>    And memories flood my weary heart<BR>    I mourn for my dreams<BR>    I mourn for my wasted love<BR>    And while I know that I’ll survive alone<BR>      <BR>    My heart is low<BR>    My heart is so low<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can be<BR>    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s<BR>    As only a woman’s heart can know  <BR>     <BR>    我轻柔的心<BR>    我的心如此轻柔<BR>    也只有女人的心能够这样<BR>    唯有女人的 唯有女人的<BR>    也只有同是女人的心明了<BR>     <BR>    泪水从我迷惑的双眼滑落<BR>    浅尝甜蜜罗曼史的苦楚<BR>    我的希望中仍有你<BR>    我的心里还是你的身影<BR>    卽使我克制自己的思绪<BR>      <BR>    我轻柔的心<BR>    我的心如此轻柔<BR>    也只有女人的心能够这样<BR>    唯有女人的 唯有女人的<BR>    也只有同是女人的心明了<BR>      <BR>    忧虑的双眼透视我焦苦的灵魂<BR>    过往的记忆涌入我柔脆的心<BR>    懊悔自己的幻觉<BR>    悼念弃毁的爱情<BR>    而我知道往后将独自残存<BR>      <BR>    我轻柔的心<BR>    我的心如此轻柔<BR>    也只有女人的心能够这样<BR>    唯有女人的 唯有女人的<BR>    也只有同是女人的心明了</B></FONT></CENTER></MARQUEE></P><BR><BR>
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<P align=center><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 size=5><A href="http://bbs.liaohe.net.cn/uploadfile/2005-5/200551695512477.mp3" target=_blank><FONT color=blue>背景音乐</A></FONT></P><BR>
<P align=center><IMG style="CURSOR: pointer" src="http://www.chinathink.net/forum/UploadFace/17553_200612267443686459.gif"> </P><BR>
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[ 本帖最后由 www2001 于 2007-3-1 22:38 编辑 ]

鱼的天空 发表于 2007-1-30 08:20:54


furong2005 发表于 2007-1-30 18:13:49


雨檬 发表于 2007-1-30 21:11:11


fdyfjm 发表于 2007-1-31 21:14:28

hehe 借用你的歌词,很美

唯有女人心Only a woman’s heart

My heart is low
    My heart is so low
    As only a woman’s heart can be
    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s
    As only a woman’s heart can know
    The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes
    Taste of bittersweet romance
    You’re still in my hopes
    You’re still on my mind oh
    And even though I manage on my own
    My heart is low
    My heart is so low
    As only a woman’s heart can be
    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s
    As only a woman’s heart can know
    When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul
    And memories flood my weary heart
    I mourn for my dreams
    I mourn for my wasted love
    And while I know that I’ll survive alone
    My heart is low
    My heart is so low
    As only a woman’s heart can be
    As only a woman’s as only a woman’s
    As only a woman’s heart can know  
    唯有女人的 唯有女人的
    唯有女人的 唯有女人的
    唯有女人的 唯有女人的

笑看风云 发表于 2007-2-27 12:04:33


lgq025711 发表于 2007-2-27 18:06:37



慧子 发表于 2007-2-28 12:54:36


www2001 发表于 2007-3-1 22:38:40


昕晔 发表于 2007-3-9 15:40:31

是啊楼主很能干啊 !!!!!!!!!
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