shorthair 发表于 2015-10-14 10:15:22


Teacher Professional Development教师专业发展Teachers and educators around the country are beginningto see that the goal of improving teaching - improving students’ opportunitiesto learn - can only be reached by a path that the United States has never takenbefore. This new path moves educators away from a view of teaching as asolitary activity, owned personally by each teacher. It moves them toward aview of teaching as a professional activity open to collective observations,study, and improvement. It invites ordinary teachers to recognize and acceptthe responsibility for improving not only their own practice, but the shared practiceof the profession. For this new path to be traveled, however, teachers will needto open their classroom doors and, rather than evaluating each other, begin studyingtheir practices as a professional responsibility common to all.”(Hiebert,Gallimore, and Stigler, 2003) 全国的教师和教育者们开始关注提升教学水平,提高学生学习的机会。能通过美国之前从未采取过的方式,这种新的方式将教育者从教学的角度移到一个独立的活动中,每个老师都拥有自己的方式。它作为一个专业的活动,开放的集体观察,研究和改进,将教师们带入一个教学观点,这就要求普通教师来分辨和接受不单单是自身的实践的提升,而且还有专业的共同实践。然而,对于这一新的路径,教师们需要打开他们的教室门,而不是互相评价,他们开始学习他们共同所有的专业责任。(希伯特,加利莫尔,和Stigler,2003) If you would like more information or if you havequestions regarding this Education Policy Brief, contact Margarete Kedzior,M.S.UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE EDUCATION RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT CENTERPhone: 302-831-4433E-mail: kedzior@udel.eduPrepared by Margarete Kedzior, M.S., and Steve Fifield,Ph.D., Delaware Education Research & DevelopmentCenter. The Education Policy Brief series is availableonline at 如果你想了解更多的信息,或者如果你有关于这个教育政策的简短的问题,接触的玛格丽特kedzior,M.S.德拉瓦大学教育研究与开发中心电话:302-831-4433电子邮件:kedzior@udel.edu由玛格丽特kedzior,准备和史提夫费菲尔德,硕士,博士,特拉华教育研究与发展中心。教育政策简报系列可在网上。 The University of Delaware is committed to assuring equalopportunity to all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, gender, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, veteranstatus, age, or disability in its educational programs, activities, admissionsor employment practices as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Titles VI and VIIof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, ExecutiveOrders 11246 and 11375 and other applicable statutes. Inquiries concerningTitle IX, Section 503 and 504 compliance,Executive Order 11246 and informationregarding campus accessibility and Title VI should be referred to theAffirmativeAction Director, 305 Hullihen Hall, 302-831-2835,302-831-4552 (TDD).2德拉瓦大学致力于确保所有人的平等机会,不歧视种族,肤色,性别,宗教,血统,民族血统,性取向,退伍军人地位,年龄,或残疾的教育计划,招生和就业实践活动,由1972教育修正案第九条要求,部分1973和504的康复法案503,第六和第七民权法案1964,美国残疾人法案,执行命令11246和11375和其他适用的法规。关于标题IX查询,部分503和504的依从性,行政命令11246和有关的校园可访问性和标题六的信息应该被称为是肯定的动作导演,305 hullihen大厅,302-831-2835,302-831-4552(TDD)。共同所有。INTRODUCTIONRecent developments in education policy and practice,such as the No Child Left Behind Act and high-stakes testing, increaseexpectations on educators to improve student learning. “Research shows thatteacher expertise can account for about 40 percent of the variance in students’learning in reading and mathematics achievement-more than any other singlefactor, including student background…” (Rhoton & Stile, 2002, p. 1).教育政策和实践的最新发展,如无子女的行为和高风险的测试,提高教育工作者的期望,以提高学生的学习。“研究表明,教师专业知识可以解释约百分之40的变异在学生的学习阅读和数学成绩超过任何其他单因素,包括学生的背景… Research also demonstrates that positive changes occur inteachers’ practices when they experience sustained, high quality professionaldevelopment. “However, the research on learning…and that on effective teacher development…suggestthat teacher development as carried out in most schools today is not designedto develop the teacher expertise needed to bring about improved studentlearning” (Rhoton & Stile, 2002, p. 1). So what are the characteristics ofhigh quality teacher professional development?( Rhoton和Stile,2002,p. 1)。那么高质量教师专业发展的特点是什么? 研究还表明,当教师的经验持续,高品质的专业发展,他们的做法也在积极地发生变化。“然而,对学习的研究和有效的教师发展……建议,现在大多数学校开展教师发展不是专为开发教师专业知识所需的,而应该趋向于了改进的学生学习这一方面。 RESEARCH FINDINGSWhat are the characteristics of high quality teacherprofessional development? There can be no “one size fits all” approach toeffective teacher professional development. “Differences in communities ofschool administrators, teachers, and students uniquely affect professionaldevelopment processes and can strongly influence the characteristics thatcontribute to professional development’s effectiveness”(Guskey, 2003, p. 47).To have the greatest impact, professional development must bedesigned,implemented, and evaluated to meet the needs of particular teachers inparticular settings (Guskey, 1995). But several characteristics of high qualityteacher professional development can be derived from research on a wide varietyof approaches (Guskey, 2003). The following are some of the most consistentlycited factors. 高质量教师专业发展的特点是什么?教师专业发展没有“一刀切”的办法来达到效果。学校管理者、教师和学生在社区的不同影响专业发展过程,并具有能强烈地影响到专业发展的有效性的特点(教育,2003,P 47。)有最大的影响,专业发展必须设计,实施,评价满足特定的环境特定的教师的需求(Guskey,1995)。但是,高质量的教师专业发展的几个特点可以来自各种各样的方法研究(Guskey,2003)。以下是一些最常见的引因素。

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