Angelayanyanzhu 发表于 2017-2-2 14:52:42


Unit1 In class Period 3
(课型:新授课  计划授课: 月 日)
Cartoon time
1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot/ rubber/ parrot.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t …
3. 能快速用It’s a…来回答What’s this?的提问。
4. 能用Don’t…来造句。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t …
3. 能用Don’t…来造句。
Step 1 Warming up
1. Say a rhyme: Open the window
2. Recite the dialogue.
3. Free talk:
What’s this? It’s a…
Open the/ your…
Close the/ your…
Look at the/ your…
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1. What’s this?
T: Let’s look at the blackboard. What’s this?
S: It’s a robot.
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a rubber/ an eraser.
Teach: rubber (Ss拼读并尝试拼写)
2. Look at the picture.
T: Let’s look at the picture. Who are they? (复习Bobber, Sam)
T: What’s this?Ss: It’s a parrot.
Teach: parrot
3. Watch the cartoon.
T: Today Bobby is the litter teacher. What does he ask? Let’s watch the cartoon.
1) 找出Bobby的问题和正确答案。
   What’s this? It’s a robot.
   What’s this? It’s a rubber.
2) T: Who tells the wrong answer? Let’s listen again.
The parrot gives the wrong answer.
3) Please open your book. 找出Bobby说的祈使句。
Look at the blackboard, Sam.
Don’t listen to the parrot.
4) Teach: don’t (= do not)
      listen to…
Step 3 Show time
1. Read the dialogue.
1) Read after the tape.
2) Read after me/ the little teacher.
3) 角色配音。
4) Act the dialogue with the teacher.
2. Work in 3, act the dialogue.
3. Show time.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Exercise
T: Who’s coming?Ss: Mr Robot.
T: Mr Robot brings some cards. Which one will you choose?
Card 1 ★
1) open图片:书本; close图片:门
2) look at图片黑板; listen to图片:鹦鹉
Card 2 ★★
1) don’t图片:起立
2) don’t图片:窗户 (两句)
Card 3 ★★★
1) 当你迟到后,老师会说:
2) 当你坐在窗边感到非常冷时,你会说:
3) 当你不想听机器人说话时,你会说:
4) 当椅子上有水时,你会说:
2. Let’s read the sentences.
Step 5 Homework(基础性作业)
1. 听录音,指读课文至少3遍,并背诵。
2. 三人一组表演对话。
3. 用Look at the…和Don’t …造句,每个至少造3句。
1. Stand _______ ( updown ) , please .
2. Please ______ ( sitclose ) the door .   
3. _______ ( NotDon’t ) look at the blackboard .
1熟练背诵Story time,为下节课Ticking time做准备。
Unit 1 In class
What’s this?It’s a…
Look at the blackboard/…
Don’t listen to the parrot/…
Unit1 In class Period 4
页: [1]
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