my your his her(去年贴)
<H2>my your his her</H2><DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_112256>my your his her<BR><BR> <BR> My Your His Her<BR>(一) <BR>1 T: What’s this on my hand?<BR>S: It’s a pencil case.<BR>T: Yes, look, it’s orange, it’s very nice. <BR>But whose is it? Is this your ∽, S1?<BR>S1: No, it isn’t. (引导)This is my pencil case. (show it to teacher)<BR>T: Hello. S1. It’s not S1’s pencil case. Is this your pencil case?<BR>S2: No, it isn’t. This is my…..<BR>…………..→ S3<BR>T: (追问)Is this her pencil case?<BR>S3: No, it isn’t.<BR>T: Then whose is it?<BR>S: I think it’s Mr Ding’s pencil case. (暗示)<BR>T: Yes, it’s my pencil case. 连续跟读 my pencil case.<BR>Do you still remember this blue pencil case? It’s also my pencil case. I have two pencil cases. They are both nice.<BR> 2 T: Look! This ruler is so long. And it’s very new. Whose is it? <BR>Is this your…..? (跟读此句)<BR>S: (引导) I think it’s your…<BR>T: Yes, it’s also my ruler. Look! A nice pen, is it my pen.<BR>S: Yes, it’s your pen.<BR> (过渡) T: My pencil case is very nice. <BR>My ruler is so new.<BR>Please show me your …..<BR> (引导) S: This is my ruler. (S hold and show)<BR> S1: This is my ruler, it’s new.<BR> S2: This is my ruler, it’s long, it’s green.<BR>3. T (接上插入问S2,拿他同桌的物品):Is that your ruler, ?<BR>S: No, it isn’t. It’s S’s ruler.<BR>T: Yes, it’s her ruler. Teach her<BR>T: Is that her rubber, too?<BR>T: Is that her book, too?<BR>S: No, it’s my book. <BR>T: Let me see. Oh, yes. It’s your book. Here’s your name.<BR>Teach her book<BR>(过度)Which one is your book, which one is her book? I want to know<BR>引导:S: Mr Ding. This is my book. This is her book.<BR>(the similar way to learn his )<BR>巩固读音 my your his her (简单造词组)<BR>(二) 1游戏对话: <BR>(学生close ….eyes, 悄悄取走他的东西)<BR>T: Ah, look! This pencil case is so nice (调笑). Do you like it? (Ss: Yes)<BR>T: But whose is it? Is it your……? Is it her…..? Is it his? (ask several Ss)<BR>S1: Yes, it’s my pencil case.<BR>( 请邻桌同学证明一下)<BR>T: Really? Hi, S2, Is it his ruler? (指S1), Is it his(S2) ruler, S3?<BR>(1若学生皆证明是那学生的,可以问一下里面东西,如果猜不出来,可开玩笑般的说,T知道里面有。。。。。。So, it’s my …..<BR> 2 若有学生冒领,那也可以继续问。。。)<BR> 2 Drills<BR>请学生模仿老师报一下各自的东西:<BR>Imitate (point) : This is my pencil. <BR> This is your pencil. (T 手里拿着)<BR> This is his pencil.<BR> This is her pencil.<BR>(三) Dialouge (孤立的物主代词学习向语言实际运用所操作的句子前进)<BR> T- Ss Make different dialogues<BR>(1) I can’t find my…. (2) What’s this? Is that a pen? (打扫卫生时候)<BR>May I have this…? Oh, yes. Let me see. Oh, it’s very nice. <BR>Sorry, it’s not my …..It’s his….. Is this your….? (找物主)<BR>Hi! May I have…. <BR><BR>(四)语言实践练习 (课后编对话)<BR> A: A nice ruler. Hi, B, Look, is this your ruler?<BR> B: No, I think it’s his ( C ) ruler. <BR> A: Hi, C. Is this your ruler?<BR> C: No, it’s ( B )’s ruler.<BR> A: (奇怪的) 再次问了几个回合 但B C越来越不耐烦 于是 索性私吞了<BR>补充:<BR> 自认为有几个特点:<BR> (一)充分让学生在情景里学词汇,而不是机械的操练<BR> (二) 多信息高密度原则(实际上这四个词在本节课上复现了相当多遍,一些看似多于的追问也是为了复现)<BR> (三)自始至终都沉浸在有意义的听说模式下的语言交流活动中,调动了学生的语言思维,并积极施行师生语言思维互动的方式</DIV> 我觉得设计很用心,只是过于琐碎,难操作.你不觉得吗?要学生集中二十分的注意力才能理解和掌握.明白你老师究竟想干吗?
我的做法直接了当些:把这四个词放在 自编的小诗里让学生朗朗上口的同时明白其意思,其实掌握这四个词的关键是让学生明白意思并能很快在口头说出.接着用猜物的游戏练习这个词.然后四人小组顺时针交换东西练习含有这四个词的句型,做综合运用,效果还不错. 另外我要上第三单元的a部分想请教斑竹有什么高招? 怎么这么多乱码,没看懂呵!