<H2> </H2><DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_301969>
<P>1、The book<U> on zhe desk</U> is Helen 's.(提问)</P>
<P><U> </U> <U> </U> is Helen's?</P>
<P>2、The brown coat is my uncle's.(提问)</P>
<P> <U> </U> <U> </U> is <U> </U> uncle's?</P>
<DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_302009>
<P>3、What colour is your coat ?(同义句)</P>
<P>What's <U> </U> <U> </U> <U> </U> your coat?</P>
<P> </P></DIV></DIV> 答案1是: WhichbookisHelen's?
答案2是: Whichcoatisyouruncle's?
答案3是: What'sthecolourofyourcoat? 我完全赞同。绝对正确的!!!! 第二题的划线部分都没有!
不过我和二楼的观点是一致的! Thank you very much. 答案1是: Which book is Helen's? 答案2是: Which coat is your uncle's? 答案3是: What's the colour of your co