<P>我想问一下:在床上睡觉这个词组应该是 sleep on the bed 还是 sleep in bed?</P> 我觉得应该是sleep in bed. 因为on the bed 只是在表示具体方位的时候才用。如:There are some dolls on the bed.On the bed, there's a nice dress. sleep on the bed 应该也可以吧???????? sleep on the bed ,sleep in bed 这两个都对的! <P>我的观点是书上是什么就是什么,呵呵,以本为本</P><P>不能给孩子太多模棱两可的概念</P> <P>原帖由 <I>qqxiaozhong</I> 于 2008-11-25 17:25 发表 <A href="http://www.njzxxyy.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=327540&ptid=34271" target=_blank><IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://www.njzxxyy.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif"></A> 我觉得应该是sleep in bed. 因为on the bed 只是在表示具体方位的时候才用。如:There are some dolls on the bed. On the bed, there's a nice dress. </P>