本课内容虽然不是很难,但是从课堂是由教师和学生互相交际学习的层面看,如何组织教学就有点难度了,因为属于祈使句范畴,所以感觉缺乏交际性。从上次上海的听课学习来看印象最深的是以句子为组织单位的教学模式。(学生会说那是表象,那背后的教学模式是需要认真思考的)所以我不太想继续停留于以往的教独立的单词,做游戏这样看似热闹的兴趣型教学模式(朱浦老师的话太深刻了,如果一节课只是教会学生read write sing dance,那12年的基础英语教育是远远不够的),我打算尝试下以句子为组织单位的培养能力型的教学模式,实际上从这课的动词安排看是不太方便我的构想的,那我就只能从某些单词的使用辐射面去考虑了。课上完了,有些乱,形象思维好的学生有较好的体现,把一些冠冕堂皇的亮点简单归纳下。
T: I have a dog. It can do many things. Where's it now? I think it's in the school bag.
Which schoolbag should I open? (2个书包)
S1: Open the black bag.
S2: Open the yellow bag.
(2) What can you draw? Can you draw....? 句子插入教学 (既作为一种一般性意义的扩充型的尝试,又作为整堂课句子教学模式的一种尝试)
(3) Open close 在这节课上的不同层次的复现
1Greetings: + stand up, sit down.
2 Free talk: Pencil box. Your pencil box is so nice. May I open your pencil box?
3 Prensentation:(1)open. (还) Close. (指令传递)
一、 (1) It’s very cold today. Let’s do some sports exercise.
Run run run…jog jog jog….
T---S Would you close the door / windows? (weather)
(2) T: I have a dog. It also can do a lot of things.
It’s in the bag. Which bag is it in? I don’t know. Which schoolbag is it in?
(Which bag should I open)
T: Open the…. 提示学生 S: Open the black bag…..
Open the yellow bag….
(Ketty cat is in the other bag)
(3) Indroduce my toy dog. / Describe the dog (T: What can it do? Run fast..like…)
Let’s follow my dog ( Do exercise)
Open the….Close….run…swim…
(4): T: Are you tired? My dog is tired. It’s hungry, too. Are you hungry, too.
I want to give it something to eat. Do you have any ideas? Learn eat
引导学生: Eat a humburger / Eat a pies. 出情景: What do you want to eat?
引导:S: I want to eat…..
(Drink 类似) 总结引导句子: It can eat …..and drink…..
(5) Now Bobby want to sleep. Ketty is coming.
T: 摆弄Ketty的肢体做动作,请学生猜测动作。 (进行时是否要渗透?)
Also Ketty can draw sth. (Make Ketty draw the sun….a boy) draw(drink)
T: Can you draw the sun(a plane…a tiger)……→ What can you draw? (语言推进) 既为理解又为说做好铺垫
S---S What can you draw 操练。
二、 巩固
1 Bobby Dog wakes up. Do and speak out. ( action word)
T---S1 S1----→T : I think you are eating. (简单引导) ( 光说一个就Eat感觉是有问题,也许这样的话学生不能全部听懂,但是可怕的就是成年累月的滚动量化,下节课是否教教进行时)
T---→Ss 再次进行猜测,Ss: Open the door? Open the window?
( 上次朱老师讲座里的一个细节让我很有启发:你问的句子要有发散性? What do you know about成龙?比 Do you know 成龙?这样的问题要有层次的多(当然我们这里的教材可能浅了点,能够说的东西还不多,不过回家仔细想想还是有很多的Play Gongfu brave smart),其实道理很简单,借这个平台让学生进行语言训练,运用的机会,挖的再深一点,我们的教学除偶尔的机械模仿从头之尾一定要让学生带着思维的去说任何东西,那久而久之,学生的输出就自然而然的更多了
2 看单词条,心灵感应。
3 回顾 组词巩固。 |