Friday 发表于 2011-9-28 12:04:31


一 教学内容:Part A Listen, read and say.
  二 教学目标及要求:
  1. 结合句型“What date is it today?/It’s …”学习日期的英语表达法。
  2. 复习句型: When is your birthday?
  My birthday is on….
  What would you like as a birthday present?
  I’d like…
  3. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:My birthday is coming soon.. Would you like to come to
  my birthday party? Sure . Do you usually have a birthday party? Yes, I
  do. (No, I don’t.) Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too? Yes,
  please. Would you like to watch “Aladdin”? Yes, I’d like to. When can we
  watch it? Let’s wait and see.
  4. 围绕“过生日”这一话题,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,引导学生体会、了解英语国家人们过生日的风俗习惯,培养学生跨文化交际的能力。
  三 教学重点:理解与运用Part A对话中的日常交际用语。
  四 教具准备: CAI 课件,录音机及磁带,师生自备的生日礼物等。
  五 教学过程:
  Step 1 Warming up
  1. Sing the song: Ten Little Indian Boys.(复习基数词)
  2. Let’s count the desks and chairs. (用序数词数教室里的桌椅)
  3. Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls.
  How are you today?
  What day is it today?
  What date is it today? (教师板书 the fifteenth of September,  并教读。)
Step 2 Revision
  T: Please look at the calendar and try to say the dates in English.
  (CAI课件呈现2006年的日历,每个月圈出一个日期,并放大显示。)师生、生用What date is it today?
  之后,多媒体课件呈现课本H部分Say a rhyme,学生吟诵歌谣。
  T: We know Today is Little May’s birthday. (师转向另一学生)Is today your
  birthday? 待学生否定回答后,师引出C部分重点句型,先师生对话,然后让全班学生模仿上述对话,同桌两人一组进行练习。
  Step 3. Presentation and practice
  1 教师师范对话,引出句型Would you like to come to my birthday party?并教学。
  T: Boys and girls, do you know when my birthday is?
  Ss: No.
  T: Do you want to know something about my birthday?
  Ss: Yes. (小学生好奇心强,争先恐后地举手发言。)
  S2: When is your birthday, Miss Tang?
  T: My birthday is on the eighth of May.
  S3: What would you like as a birthday present?
  T: I’d like a computer.
  S4: What else would you like?
  T: I’d like a new mobile phone, too.
  S4: Oh, I see.
  T: Ok, you’re very clever. Now you all know my birthday is on the eighth
  of May. I usually have a birthday party on that day. Would you like to
come to my birthday party? (CAI课件呈现我与家人和朋友过生日的情景)
  Ss: Ok! /Yes. /Sure.
  之后,教师带领学生朗读短语have a birthday party 及句子“Would you like to come to my
  birthday party? / Sure。
  2.教学句型My birthday is coming soon和Do you usually have a birthday party?
  Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
  T: When is your birthday, xxx?
  S1: My birthday is on the eighteenth of September.
  T: The eighteenth of September ?
  S1: Yes.
  T: Oh, your birthday is coming soon., Right?
  S1: (在老师的启发下)Yes, my birthday is coming soon.
  T: Do you usually have a birthday party?
  S1: Yes, I do.
  T: Would you like your friends to come to your birthday birthday?
  S1: Yes. Would you like to come to my birthday party, Miss Tang?
  T: Sure, thank you.
  大屏幕上出现了此学生的照片和过生日的场景,同时在屏幕下方呈现句子“My birthday is coming soon.”和“Do you
  usually have a birthday party? Yes, I do./No, I
  T: Whose birthday is coming soon in our class? Please say“My birthday is
  coming soon.”
  不少学生很流利地说出了自己的生日和这句话。此时师生齐唱“Happy birthday to you!”,并向即将过生日的同学赠送生日礼物。
  3教学“Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons”和“Would you like to
  教师继续与一学生对话,在学生回答:“I’d like a new toy plane.”后,
  T: Would you like a VCD of Chinese cartoons.? (同时拿出事先准备好的《葫芦娃》。)
  S: Yes. (师提示答完整:Yes, I’d like.)
  T: Here you are.
  S: Thank you very much. (学生得到礼物,学习积极性更高了。)
  T: Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too?(拿出《灌蓝高手》、
  S: (在教师提示下回答):Yes, please. I like them .
  T: Would you like to watch‘Aladdin’?
  师再问学生Would you like to watch‘Aladdin’ now?时学生会很兴奋地回答“Yes.”教师引导学生答完整“Yes,
  I’d like to. ”
  T: When can we watch it? Let’s wait and see. (教师自己说出句型,讲解让学生理解。)
  4 在课件中出示重点句型,多种方式让学生朗读、理解。
  Step 4 Learn the text.
  1.T: Boys and girls, Ben is our old friend,。His birthday is coming soon
  .Today he is visiting Jim. Do you want to know what are they talking
  about? Now let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions.(听第一部分对话)[小精灵儿童网站] 出示问题:
  (1) Who is Jim?
  (2) What date is it today?
  (3) When’s Ben’s birthday?
  (4) When’s Jim’s birthday?
  2. 听第二部分对话并回答问题:
  (1)What would Ben like as a birthday?
  (2)Would Ben like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too?
  3. The students read the text after the tape。
  4. The students read the text by themselves。
  5. Read the texts in roles.
  6. Fill into the blanks.
  Today is the 16th of October, Ben’s birthday is ______, he usually have a
  birthday_____, Ben would like a ________and a _______ of ________ _______
  as birthday _________. Ben _______ _______ ______watch ‘Aladdin’ but he’ll
  _____ and _______.
  Step 5 Consolidation
  Do a survey: (在小组内调查学生的生日、想要的生日礼物及是否经常举行生日聚会,要求用上本课所学的句型)
  Step 6 Homework
  1 能用自己的话复述本课对话。
  2 课后收集资料了解西方国家人们过生日和我们国家人们过生日有何区别,准备在下节课中讨论。
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