Tine 发表于 2011-10-3 11:47:05

6B Unit2 More exercise教案

The first period


1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组strong,more,be good at

2能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组jog,do well in,need help with,do more exercise

3能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Ben runs faster than Jim.

4能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语That’s true.Mike runs as fast as Ben.



1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组strong,more,be good at

2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Ben runs faster than Jim.


Step1.Warming up

1.       Sing and act a song 《Do some exercise with me》(5B)

T: First, let's do some exercise,.Follow me, please.

Step2. Presentation

1. T: Are you happy now?

S: Yes.

T: I'm happy, too. Ifyou want to be healthy, if you want to be strong,and if you want to be happy, you should do more exercise.

Teach the topic: More exercise.

2. Show a picture of Yao Ming.

T: Who's he?

S: He's Yao Ming.

T: That's true.He's a very good basketball player in NBA.

Teach the words: a good basketball player.

T: Yao Ming is good at playing basketball. He's very good at PE.

Teach: be good at

T: I'm your English teacher,so I'm good at English.What are you good at ?

S: I'm good at Art/PE/ Music/ Chinese/...

T: I'm good at English, also I can say "I do well in English."

Teach: do well in

3. T: Yao Ming does well in playing basketball, so I think he can jump very high. Can you jump high?Who can jump high?

(请两位学生到讲台前比跳高)Teach: ...jumps higher than ...


Teach: run fastrun faster; jump high, jump higher; swim fast, swim faster; get up early, get up earlier.

Talk about the pictures with the sentence pattern:...jumps higher than ...

Step3. Listen and read

1.T: (PPT出示Jim 图片)Look, Who’s he?

S: He’s Jim.

T: That’s true. He is not strong.He needs help with his PE.

Teach: need help with...

T: He wants to do better in his PE.

Teach: do better

T: Jim is talking to his Dad about his PE

Listen to their conversationand fill the form


a.Jim is good at English and Maths.

b.He does not do well in PE.

c.jog to schooldo more exercise play ball games get up earlier ...

2.read the dialogue after the tape.


5.Check the answer.


“认识自我 快乐成长”

Talk about yourself with these sentences: Hello, I'm... I study at...

I'm good at.../I do well in...

But I'm not good at.../I don't do well in.../I need well in ...

I want to do better,so I'll...

Step5. Homework


开心623 发表于 2012-1-19 14:56:20


taixingqiqi 发表于 2012-2-17 09:01:36


taixingqiqi 发表于 2012-2-17 09:03:05


caojing19831118 发表于 2012-2-17 14:59:17


zyml 发表于 2012-2-19 11:19:31


houbojie 发表于 2012-2-21 16:45:57


eager 发表于 2013-3-3 20:31:25

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