6A Unit1 the second period
Unit1 Pubic signs (Part B and C)一. 教学目标
1. 知识目标:a. three-skilled words:smoke,litter, park,
b. Four-skilled sentences:What does it/this/that sign mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldn’t.
2. 技能目标: a. 能围绕“公共标志”这个话题展开讨论和交流。
b. 能自主创作有关标志的设计。
3. 情感目标: 培养学生热爱生命,热爱公务,积极维护环境的良好品质。
1. 教学重点:Four-skilled sentences
2. 教学难点:对于标志意义的问答
三.教学准备:1. 教学图片 2. 金太阳光盘
Step 1 : Free talk
1. T: What day is it today?
Ss: It’s...
T: What’s the weather like today?
Ss: It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy.
2. T shows some pictures about public signs to the students
What does it mean?
Ss: It means...
It means we/you should/shouldn’t... (复习之前A部分学过的三个标志)
Step 2: Presentation and Practise
1. T: In the street or beside the road , we can see some public signs. Do you know : What
do they mean ?( Show some pictures about public signs to the students.) Today let’s talk about them.
( 创设各种情景,引出各种标志。)
T: In our school, what signs can you see ?
( In front of the school gate : No smoking ! )
( 新授单词:smoke 吸烟--- No smoking 禁止吸烟 )
Learn the sentence : What does this sign mean ? It’s means ( you shouldn’t smoke此处强调should后面加动词原形,而且smoke要还原e)
2. Learn the other signs.
a. litter --- - littering ---- No littering
What does this sign mean ? It means no littering. It means you shouldn’t litter.
b. park --- parking --- No parking
What does this sign mean ? It means no parking. It means you shouldn’t park.
c. cycle ---- cycling ---- No cycling
What does this sign mean ? It means no cycling.It means you shouldn’t cycle( ride bikes ).
d. Danger !
What does this sign mean ? It means danger.
e. eat and drink ---- eating and drinking ---- No eating and drinking
What does this sign mean ? It mean no eating and drinking . It means you shouldn’t eat and drink.
f. keep off the grass
What does this sign mean ? It means keep off the grass . It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.
g. keep quiet
What does this sign mean ? It means keep quiet . It means you should keep quiet . It mean you shouldn’t make noise . It means you shouldn’t talk.
h. Do not touch.
What does this sign mean ? It means do not touch. It means you shouldn’t touch it.
Step 3. Open the books , talk about Part B.
[ Through this process , make the students grasp the sentences: What does this / that sign / it mean ? It means ‘…’. ( It means you shouldn’t ….)通过这个环节的练习,使学生掌握本单元的基本句型。]
Step4. Talk about Part C.
( 通过前面的练习,部分的句型对于学生来说就比较容易了。)
Picture 1 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t climb the tree.
( It means ‘ No climbing’ . )
Picture 2 :What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t cycle ( ride a bike , ride bikes ) .(It means ‘No cycling’.)
Picture 3 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t litter.
( It means ‘No littering’.)
Picture 4 :What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t take photos.
( It means ‘Do not take photos’.)
Picture 5 :What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t eat and drink.
( It means ‘No eating and drinking’.)
Picture 6 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldn’t touch it.
( It means ‘Do not touch’.)
( 先让学生自由讨论,然后师生一起讨论。)
Step 5. Homework:
1. Copy some public signs of PartB
2. Write down the answers of PartC