6AUnit3 胶卷film请教
6AUnit3 胶卷film单复数问题?什么情况下是复数?什么情况下是不可数? two rolls of film,在这个里面film是做不可数名词胶片来讲的,它真正的含义应该是:两卷胶片。这个胶片可以是没用过的,也可以是拍了卷起来的。而课文中提到的Where are the films?这里的film是指包括胶卷外面的盒子,是一个整体,就像family一样,所以是可数名词,还可以直接和同学说:两卷胶卷,翻译是two rolls of film.而两个胶卷就应该是two films. 最近也在纠结这个,上面是我在网上搜到的。 这个也是在网上搜到的,你看一下吧。film胶卷(C,U)---a roll of thin plastic that you use in a camera to take photographs胶卷
;to have a film developed 冲洗胶卷
a (roll of) color film
He uses only colour film.
Fasterfilm is better if there's not much light.
Where are the films?
films这里是指以盒(卷)计量 纠结呀 今天也遇到这个问题了 求解 thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much