If someone asked you to sum up in six words what you've learned so far about how to succeed in business, what would you say? When Smith magazine and consulting firm Mercer posed the question last year, they got thousands of entries, which they winnowed down to 400 for a book called Six Words About Work. A sampling of the winners:
如何才能在职场获得成功?如果有人要你用短短一句话来总结,你会怎么说?去年,史密斯杂志(Smith magazine)和美世咨询公司(Mercer)把这个问题抛给了公众,结果收到了数以千计的反馈。他们从中遴选出了400条,并集结成册,取名《职场6字真言》,其中包括以下一些金句:
"Always start with assuming good intentions."
"Don't hire geniuses, hire capable people."
"Persistence has more value than qualifications."
"Work like you own the company."
"Need the facts? Ask a secretary!"
"Know security guards, cleaners by name."
"You're not learning if you're comfortable."
"Do one more thing than requested."
"Screw-ups will happen. Just own them."
"Cutting corners only creates more paperwork."
"Walk the hall rather than call."
"Add value — otherwise you're a commodity."
"If you don't know, say so."
"Get the hardest part done first."
"Pretend impossibilities are possible. They are."
"Fail fast. Learn fast. Improve fast."
"Avoid all paintball team-building games."
"Go outside the building to scream."
"Surprise your spouse, not your boss."
"Don't laugh while boss is ranting."
And speaking of bosses, how about a 42-word crash course in how to be a great one? Consider these descriptions of "the best boss I ever had."
"Took responsibilities very seriously, not himself."
"Two ears, one mouth, engaged wisely."
"Asked for ideas, and used them."