最简短的一个表达可能就是 like cures like 了。这里的 like
可是做名词用的哦,意思就是“用同样的东西去对付同样的东西”。其实它是个谚语啦。比如:Homoeopathy means
“like cures like.” This is the method of treating a disease
with the materials derived from the toxic and injurious agents
causing similar signs and symptoms complex.
Hair of the dog that bit you
little hair of the dog will cure that hangover in no time.
喝点酒,马上就能治好宿醉。注意看这个例子,hair of the dog that bit you
在使用的时候常用的是简略表达:hair of the dog。
此外,set a thief to catch a thief
这个谚语也可以表示“以毒攻毒”,贼最了解贼,让贼去抓贼肯定是没错的。 |