con & scam: 骗子、骗局与骗术
和 scam。
game,简称con game。
a con man 骗子
They conned me out of all my money. 他们骗走了我所有的钱。
另外一个指骗人、骗局的词是scam。我们先看看下面的例子(from Newsweek May 17 issue 2004):
Scams generally fall into two categories: those that appeal to
our desire to make money -- usually fast -- and those that
appeal to our vanity.
The Internet is chock full of the first type. All those
complaints we're hearing about "junk mail" on the Internet,
especially on popular service providers like America Online,
are largely directed against fast-buck operators attempting to
lure us into a get-rich-quick scheme.
Many of these scams are built on a pyramid structure where the
early birds make money, but the suckers at the tail end come
up empty.
Other scams give the illusion of something-for-nothing that in
the end winds up costing quite a bit.
Even as the war in Iraq winds down, many consumers are
reporting a barrage of swindles using the war and preying on
people's sense of patriotism and craving for security. The
scams include everything from telemarketers soliciting money
to help victims of the war, Web sites that peddle
"government-approved" homeland security kits, and even an
Iraqi version of the classic Nigerian letter scams that have
been circulating for the past 15 years.
骗子的骗术千变万化,难怪又被称为scam artist。