九年级上期中复习--英语完成句子80题 1. 我不确定他们花了多长时间想出这么一个有创意的点子。 I am not sure how long they have ________________________________________________idea. 2.我的父母和我都认为我成不了一名好会计。 Neither my parents____________________________________. 3. 整天工作不说话对我来说是可怕的。 It’s________________________________________________. 4. 不戴眼镜,她简直和瞎子一样。 Without her glasses,she was ___________________________the blind. 5. 我们应尽力多加关注和关爱弱势群体。 We should try our best to _______________________the Weak Groups and take more care of them. 6. 他的新书在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注。 _________________________________his new book at the book show last week. 7. 在一些考试中很多学生几乎不注意他们的拼写 Many students ____________________________________ their spelling in some exams. 8. 孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。 A kid can _______________________________toys. 9. 她已经把她的大多数时间奉献给了慈善事业 She ______________________________________charity. 10.他把一生都投入到保护环境上去了。 He________________________________________________. keys: 1. spent coming up with such a creative 2. nor I think I can make a good accountant. 3.terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.
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