5AUnit1句型练习 1.金发女孩在森林里。 Goldilocks in the forest. 2.这汤太冷。那汤正好。 This soup is . That soup is . 3.这张床太软。那张床太硬。 This bed is . That bed is . 4.金发姑娘很害怕。她前面有三只熊。 Goldilocks is . There are her. 5.鲍比在冰箱里没看见蛋糕。 Bobby cannot see in the . 6.这儿没有任何蛋糕。 any cakes here. 7.教室里有一些课桌椅。 some and in the . 8.桌子上有些牛奶。 There on the . 9.客厅里有些牛奶。 There two and umbrella in the living room. 10.这条牛仔裤太长了。 The are . 11.多么漂亮的房子啊! beautiful . 12.咖啡在西方国家很流行。 is in Western countries.
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