




ferha 2009-1-24 13:42 [复制链接]
Boost Your Mood in Just About Any Situation
Written on 9/30/2008 by Ali Hale. Ali runs Alpha Student, a blog packed with academic, financial and practical tips to help students get the most out of their time at university. Photo Credit: wrhowell

We all have days when we feel down in the dumps. Whether it’s getting out of bed on the wrong side, having a stressful patch at work, the miserable weather, or just an inexplicably bad mood – there are some easy tactics you can rely on to cheer up instantly.

If the mood is derived from something within your control, fix it as soon as possible and you'll feel a huge weight lifted off your mind. If it's something you simply can't shake, do an end-around and boost your mood simply to spite it.

Here are some simple end-around moves you can consider. More likely however, you'll catch onto the idea and create your own.

Wearing your favorite sweater
If you’ve woken up grouchy, put on your favorite sweater, your lucky socks, or that piece of jewelery your partner gave you. I guarantee you’ll start the day in a better frame of mind. Wearing something which you have an emotional attachment to is almost as good as a hug!

Baking a cake
I love rolling up my sleeves and getting busy in the kitchen, especially when the result is something sweet and delicious! Dig out your favorite recipe for a cake, brownies, cookies or some other treat – and get busy. Long before that delicious baking aroma fills your kitchen, you’ll be cheerful again. If you wake up grouchy everyday, you may want to skip this one. A cake each day is not the answer unless you're giving them away!

Listening to Monty Python songs
Monty Python (a comedy sketch group) has produced some hilarious songs. It really isn’t possible to listen to these and keep a straight face – go on, try it. Here’s a few of my favourites:

Philosophers Song (with lyrics and images of the philosophers mentioned)

Brave Sir Robin (with the film clip and subtitles)

Walking outside
If I’m in a ratty mood during the workday, it’s usually because I’ve been at my desk writing for too long without moving around. I find that a brisk walk always cheers me up. Most of us need to improve our sedentary lifestyle. Get outside for half an hour, and walk off some of that excess energy – for the sake of your physical and mental health.

The beauty of nature
Another benefit to getting outside is to drink-in your surroundings. If you can, get to a park, meadow, wood or other green space. Look at the trees, the leaves, the grass, and drink in all the colours. There’s always something beautiful to see – if we just take a few minutes to stop and look.

Your friends
When you’re feeling down, chatting to friends is a great way to perk up. Even if you’re feeling misanthropic, why not give someone a ring and arrange to meet up for a coffee? Or, write an email to someone you’ve been out of touch with for a while.

Reading a novel
Sometimes, we all need to escape from life for a bit. I find getting into a great novel is an ideal way to do that. Curl up in your armchair with a book by one of your favorite authors and let yourself get absorbed in the story. For me, this works much better than trying to cheer myself up reading online – email and other distractions make it very hard to switch off mentally.

Tidying up / decluttering
Although chores feel like the last thing you want to do when you’re in a bad mood, getting rid of mess and clutter will definitely make you feel happier. Our environment has a strong effect on how we feel – so make sure you’re working (or relaxing) in a place that’s comfortable to be in. The other bonus of getting on with some tidying is that you’ll get a sense of achievement from it – a great spur to doing more, if you’re feeling lethargic or lazy.

Taking a bath
I often feel that I’m too busy to luxuriate in the bath – but I know that’s not true. Taking some time out to really relax will make you far more motivated and productive, and a long soak in a bubble-filled bath is the perfect way to unwind at the end of the day for a good night’s sleep.

Being grateful
One good way to feel happy is to list all the things you’re grateful about. (This can also be quite humbling if you’re feeling hard done by.) Sit down with a piece of paper and pen somewhere quiet, and write down all the things in your life that you want to say thank you for. They can be little or big, silly or profound.

How do you cheer up when you’re feeling down?
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发表于 2009-2-6 17:47:48
oh ,my god.my poor english....
发表于 2009-2-14 14:03:45
发表于 2009-3-29 22:14:31
二○○八年九月三十号海尔。阿里运行阿尔法学生,一个博客便携与学术,金融和实用技巧,帮助学生获得最大的时间在大学。图片: wrhowell
烘焙蛋糕我爱我的袖子轧制和越来越忙碌在厨房里,特别是当结果是甜的美味!挖出您最喜爱的食谱蛋糕,布朗尼,饼干或其他治疗-和张罗。前不久美味的烘焙香气充满你的厨房,您就开朗了。如果您每天起床过敏,您可能想跳过这一点。蛋糕每天不是解决问题的办法,除非你让他们走开!听巨蟒歌曲巨蟒(喜剧素描集团) ,已经产生了一些热闹的歌曲。这真的是不可能的听这些,保持面无表情-继续下去,尝试。以下是一些我的收藏:哲学家宋(带歌词和图片的哲学家提到)勇敢罗宾爵士(与电影剪辑,字幕)

穿着你最喜欢的毛衣如果您已经意识到了问题的严重性过敏,把你最喜欢的毛衣,你的幸运袜,或者一件首饰你的伴侣给你。我保证你会开始的这一天,一个更美好的心境。穿的东西你有一个情感上几乎是一样好. 一个拥抱!

您的朋友当你感觉了,聊天的朋友是一个伟大的方式活跃起来。即使你觉得misanthropic ,为什么不给某人戒指和安排,满足了一个咖啡吗?或写电子邮件给你已经脱离了一段时间。
整理/ decluttering虽然觉得自己家务的最后一件事情你想做的事时,你在心情不好,摆脱混乱和杂波必将使你感到快乐。我们的环境具有很强的影响如何,我们认为-所以一定要确保你的工作(或放宽)在一个地方是舒服的英寸其他奖金不会让一些整理的是,你会感觉到一种成就感从它的成果-一个巨大的鞭策做得更多,如果您觉得昏昏欲睡或懒惰。
正在感谢一个好办法感到高兴是列出所有的东西你感谢所有有关。 (这也可以很惭愧如果您觉得很难做的。 )坐下来一张纸,笔的地方安静,并记下所有的东西在你的生活,你想说感谢你。它们可以很少或大,愚蠢或深刻。
发表于 2009-3-29 22:30:03
发表于 2009-3-30 19:37:03
哇塞  全英文的啊   精彩  呵呵
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