



My emails from Babycenter

lilychennn 2009-5-13 23:45 [复制链接]
Hello, lily!

Say What?

"Using your words" is a pretty powerful thing for your 3-year-old. His mastery of speech means he can now clearly express what he wants. That's huge! And words can also ward off bad behavior. For example, instead of walking over and grabbing a toy away from another child, your preschooler is now able to approach and ask, "What are you doing?" or, "Can I try that?" Sometimes kids need our help rehearsing these important social scripts.

• for your child
If a dog has a wet nose, that's a sign
he's healthy.
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发表于 2009-5-13 23:49:36
Hello, lily!

Creating Family Traditions

Routines big and small regulate your child's day and his seasons. Their predictability fosters a deep sense of security. You probably have many daily routines already — a midmorning snack, a book and a song at bedtime. But don't overlook the big routines, otherwise known as traditions. It's great fun to pass along those from your own childhood, or to think up brand-new ones that suit your family for birthdays, holidays, and other special times.

• for your child
You can't stand on a cloud — you'd fall
right through.
发表于 2009-5-13 23:51:16
Hello, lily!

Hand-washing 101

Now that she has better dexterity, can follow a sequence of steps, and has an emerging interest in tidiness, your child is ready to take charge of hand-washing. In addition to cutting down on the number of things you need to do for her every day, it will also reduce the number of colds she contracts during busy days at preschool and the playground. Most preschoolers feel proud to take care of themselves this way.

发表于 2009-5-14 20:02:47
good habits,good health
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