Some Useful Functions
1. Pandas are one of the unique animals in China.
2. This story is about a little girl who got lost in the forest.
3. I’ve something new for you.
4. You spell “insects” like this.
5. This is a rhyme about insects.
6. Here’s a picture about the sports.
7. This is a song about 。。。.
Giving instructions.
1. Open your books.
2. Look at the blackboards.
3. Come to the front.
4. Could you please stand up?
5. Listen to the tape.
6. May I have your attention?
7. Listen carefully.
8. Turn to Page 55, class.
9. Go back to your seat, please.
10. Could you please speak loudly?
11. Be quiet, please.
12. Hands up.
13. Could you please stop talking?
14. Silence, please.
1. We’re going to learn.
2. Next, we’ll.
3. OK, stop here, please.
4. Let’s stop doing that.
5. Time’s up.
6. Close your books, let’s sing a song.
7. Homework for today.
8. So much for the drills, we’ll …
9. Let’s play a game. Now close your books.
10. Today we are going to have a competition.
11. Now, we’re going to learn some …
12. Now, close your books, let’s play a game.
13. The game is over. Shall we begin …?
14. Let’s have a rest, then …
15. Let’s read it together.
16. Sit down, please.
17. Hand in …
1. Why do you think it is right?
2. What’s wrong?
3. …, can you ask … what is the answer?
4. Who can help … answer this question?
5. Can you give her/him a hand?
6. Which is better, … or …?
7. Is it correct?
8. Are you clear?
9. If I say, this is all your fowl (am I) is that right?
10. That is to say you want to …
11. Try to help each other.
1. Why did you give me this answer?
2. Can you say it again?
3. I beg your pardon?
4. Would you please say it again (repeat that)?
5. I didn’t (couldn’t) catch what you said.
6. Would you please explain that farther?
7. What do you think about it?
8. Oh, you went to the park. Which park?
9. You like winter best, why?
10. That means you’re made …, am I right?
11. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you clearly, could you please say it again?
12. Pardon?
13. You said you hadn’t gone, right? Why?
Providing feedback
1. Fantastic!
2. Well done!
3. Excellent.
4. That was a really good try.
5. You’re nearly right.
6. That’s almost the answer.
7. Good on you for trying.
8. Clever you!
9. Lucky you!
10. Super!
11. A good question.
12. Great!
13. Wonderful.
14. (Very) Good.
15. That’s right.
16. How clever!
17. Amazing!
18. Quite good.
19. Such a lovely girl!
20. Good job.
21. Very nice.
22. You’ve done a good job.
23. Sounds good.
24. You’re smart.
25. What a cute idea!
26. A clever answer.
27. Perfect! |