Step1 Free talk and warming up
Step2 Revision
Let’s say a rhyme. (跟着录音说)
Milk, milk是牛奶, a glass of milk;
Juice, juice是果汁,a glass of juice;
Tea ,tea 是茶,a cup of tea;
Coffee, coffee是咖啡,a cup of coffee.
Step3 Presentation
(1) T:(扮演服务员,拿出准备的物品)A glass of milk?
S: Yes, please. (教师稍作提示, 并把牛奶给他)
教师再跟几个同学交谈后,让学生拿出自己的物品,进行pair work
(2) a: 指名几个学生与教师交谈,当S: A …?
T: No, thanks. /No, thank you.
b: T: Some cake?
S: No, thanks. /No, thank you.
c: 出示No, thanks.=No, thank you.(领读,指名读,齐读)
T: A cake?
S1: No, thank you./No, thanks.
T: An ice-cream?...(让学生初步感知新单词,学会答语。)
d: Pair work. (用学过的单词)
e: 指名表演。
(3) 教学单词
a: T: A cake?
S: Yes, please./No,….
Teach the word: a cake
b: 教升调时,教师伴随回答,No, thanks. I’d like an ice-cream. (show the picture : an ice-cream)
Teach the word: an ice-cream
c: 教升调时,教师伴随回答,Yes. Two please. (并配以动作)
教学句子:Yes. Two please. (跟读,指名读)
d: T: A cake? …
S: Yes. Two please.
T: An egg?(出示一只鸡蛋)
S: Yes. Two please.
教学:an egg
e: 同上教学a hamburger
(4) Drill
a: 教师说单词,学生拿实物,然后再交换。
b: 利用新学单词练习本课句子。(可分组进行)
Step3 Practice
(1) 看图片,听录音,想一想,他们在谈论什么?
(2) T:I’m hungry. Let’s go to food shop.
a: 教师扮演店员,给学生进行示范
b: 学生扮演店员及顾客角色运用学过的句型进行交际.
Step 4 Homework
(1) 听说本单元单词和句型。
(2) 听读课文。 |