



Unit 8 At the weekends

mcyyxf 2011-3-16 08:34 [复制链接]
牛津小学英语5B Unit8 At the weekends
淮安市清浦小学 窦伟
B Look ,read and learn   E Read the passage
1、        认知目标
A、 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词weekend、often、spend
B、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often ...
How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答
He/ She often ...   Sometimes he/ she ...
2、        技能目标
3、        情感目标
A、 通过看、听、说、练、唱等活动,让学生感受到英语与日常生活的紧密联系,使学生觉得自己能够用英语进行真实的生活对话,从而获得英语学习的成就感、自豪感,从根本上培养和保持学生学习英语的兴趣。心理学认为:成功是人的深层心理需要。
B、 在学习过程中,通过同桌练习,小组操练等形式,促进同学间的友谊,培养学生团结合作的优秀品质。
1能听懂、会读、会说单词ant/butterfly/ dragonfly/ firefly/ bee/ grasshopper
2能听懂、会读、会说词组How do you spend your weekends?
                        I often…
3能熟读短文Insects are our good friends
1能听懂、会读、会说单词ant/butterfly/ dragonfly/ firefly/ bee/ grasshopper
2能听懂、会读、会说词组How do you spend your weekends?
                        I often…
3能熟读短文Insects are our good friends
第一部分 Free talk
T: Hello.
S: ……
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.
S: ……
T: I’m your new teacher today. You can call me Mr Dou.
T: What’s your name? How are you? Nice to meet you.
S: ……
T: What day is it today?
S: Today is Tuesday.
T: How many days are there in a week?
S: There are seven.
T: What are they?
S: They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
(设计意图:一个星期的天数学生是了如指掌的,而且也能很快回答出来,所以这为我埋下了伏笔。我就会问Do you like Saturdays and Sundays?学生肯定大声的回答:Yes)
T: Sundays and Saturdays , we can call them ‘weekends’. 新授weekends. Today, we are going to learn   Unit 8  At the weekends.
S: (齐读课题)
T: How do you spend your weekends?(问几个学生)
S: ….
(设计意图:通过上面的铺垫,我就可以把weekends引出来。与本单元学习“度周末” 内容相关,然后让学生谈论自己朋友的周末活动,帮助学生熟悉复习重难点第三人称单数形式,因为与他们的生活很贴切,学生乐于交谈,对于后面的教学作为引子,既有联系又不乏趣味性。)
T: Guess, How do I spend my weekends?
S: (Make a guess)
T: I often sing a song.
  Do you know why? Because I want to be very happy.
  Are you happy today?
S: Yes.
T: Great. Let’s sing a song“We’re happy bees.”(动画)
1.T: Do you like this song?
S: Yes,
T: Do you like bees?(展示卡片bee)
S: Yes.
T: The bee likes flying in the flowers. He can make honey. Because he likes flowers.
   And the butterfly likes flowers too.
   She can dance in the flowers.
   She can fly too.
T: (把fly单词卡片折出来与dragonfly的fly一样,引导学生认识dragonfly)
She can dance in the flowers too.
She can fly high.
T: Look, it can glow at night, do you know what is it?
S: It’s a firefly. It’s special, it can glow at night.
T: Look, it can jump high, it lives in the grass.
T: Which do you like? (问几个学生)
S: ……
T: I like ant. Look at Mr Dou, I’m so tall and so strong.
   Ant is small but he is strong too. He can carry big things.(图片)
2.let's chant
Dragonflies, dragonflies, they fly high.
Fireflies, fireflies,  glow at night.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers, they jump high.
Butterflies, butterflies, they like flowers.
T: You did a good job. Let’s sing a song.<<We know>> (动画)
3.do the riddles
A It is very beautiful.
It always dances in the flowers.
People usually call it ‘ A flying
flower’. What is it?
B It is small, but it can carry (搬运) big things.
It always works in groups (成群结队工作).
What is it?
C It is very special (特殊的). It glows (发光) at night. What is it?
D It lives in the grass.
It can jump very high.
What is it?
E It is beautiful.
It can fly high.
What is it?
F It is very busy.
It makes honey (蜜).
What is it?
    (在本堂课中,教师作为一个引导者的身份出现在学生的面前。在学生初步掌握了这几个昆虫类的单词后,以小组的形式进行反馈,让学生在集体这一大环境中再次巩固所学的单词,教师运用多媒体的交互性和信息量大的特点,设计了do the riddles这一环节,让多数学生在轻松的自我学习环境中,跳一跳就够得到,让更多的学生感受到成功的快乐,从而产生更持久的学习热情,为下一步学习短文保持良好的状态。)
第三部分Teach Part E: 《Insects are our good friends.》
T: We have learned some insects today. They can do a lot of things. And insects are our good friends.
Please watch a cartoon. Before you watch the cartoon, read these questions first.
1、Look and listen
2、do some exercise  
Listen and answer:
1.        How does the boy spend his weekends?
      He often goes to the park.
2.  Which insect does the boy like?
      He likes ants.
3.   What can  ants  do?
      They can carry big things.
4.        What can fireflies do?
       They can glow at night.
3 Read the passage
1、Ask the students to say the animals
____ are our good friends
My name is _______.I’m a student. I study at_______ Primary School.
    At the weekends, I often go to the_____.There are a lot of______ .
I like ______very much. The _____are ______. They can __________                 .

2、Story time
3  do you know?
第五部分 Homework
1. Talk about your favourite insect.
2. Read the new words and passage.
3. Try to write a short passage about your favourite animal.

七:板书设计       Unit 8 At the weekends
Ant             carry big things
Butterfly        dance in the flowers
Dragonfly       fly  high
Firefly           glow at night
Bee              work hard
Grasshopper       jump high
八 教后小记:
本节课主要学习一篇短文。文中有十三个新单词但没有新句型,所以教学重点放在单词新授和文章理解上。首先,我通过日期引出“weekend”,然后询问学生在周末经常做的事并介绍自己会去抓昆虫,以次来引出“insect”,紧接着给出书本图片逐一教授新单词,最后跟读课文。在教学中我还在适当的地方安排了一些有趣的游戏,如,为巩固新单词设计了“riddles”;读完课文后设计了与课文内容联系紧密的“make a guess”……整个教学过程可以说是条理清晰而又节奏明快的,学生在比较轻松愉悦的学习氛围中掌握了新单词、理解了课文.当然也有很多需要改进的地方。比如在游戏设计方面:单词操练部分要注重学生听的反馈,可以给单词、词组编号,教师说单词学生说号码;句子操练也不是很到位,可以请几个学生带上不同的昆虫头饰来描述其特征,让其余学生来猜。
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