diastema [] 来自希腊语diastema,表示两道墙壁之间的缝隙,来自动词diiastanai,表示to put apart,也就是分开摆放之意。实际摩西本来想找一个小罗(巴西球星罗纳尔迪尼奥)的卡通照片来着,因为这厮的门牙确实是一景,但无意中想到即使是肥罗(巴西球星罗纳尔多)也貌似有着突出的“兔牙”,于是便作罢。不过有意思的是,这样一个生僻的单词摩西在影视剧中也看到过,哪个呢?
应该是美剧《Prison Break越狱》第三季(或第二季)中,T-Bag潜伏到了一个小镇上,为了获得之前向警方举报自己罪犯身份而举家搬迁的前女友的消息,与一个善良的独身女人搭讪,下边就是台词,注意黑体字:
T-Bag: You got a little something on your, uh...
(T-Bag indicates a small piece of food on Denise's cheek, but she passes her hand on her chin)
T-Bag: No, I...here, let me.
(T-Bag cleans Denise's cheek with a napkin)
T-Bag: Pardon my forwardness, I was...
Denise: It's okay. Thank you.
T-Bag: Normally I wouldn't intervene, it's just...Yesterday when I got home from work I found what looked like the Brazilian rain forest lodged between my two front teeth. And all I could think about was the number of people who must've seen and not...not a damn one of them had the decency to tell me.
Denise: Mild DIASTEMA.
T-Bag: Excuse me?
Denise: It's a slight gap between your eight and nine. Your two front teeth.
And that it sometimes can act as a magnet for food like broccoli and tuna and sometimes rice. Or relish.
T-Bag: All this and brains, too? What are you, a dentist or...
Denise: Me? No, hardly, no. I could never. My ex, my ex-husband, he was...
T-Bag: A bastard?
Denise: That too. |