




zhuyh1979 2012-2-13 14:30 [复制链接]
Is this/that a…?  Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.  bus plane   car  light  key  telephone   Walkman basket tap radio-camera TV-computer  clock-watch  desk-table  fride-bookcase
Is he/she…? Yes, he/she is/No, he/she isn’t. He/she is…   your sister   your brother   your grandfather   your daughter  your father-my uncle    your aunt- my mother  your son-his son
Do you play…? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.  football    basketball  volleyball   baseball  
the piano  the guitar   the violin  the accordion
Do you like…? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.  swimming  rowing  climbing  fishing  skating  skiing  jogging  running blue  green   red  white  black  dogs  padans  birds  peaches  milk  football  baseball
Shall we…? /Let’s…/It’s time to/Time to…
OK/All right/Great/Good idea…  go home   watch TV  play volleyball  have lunch  get up  go to school   go to bed   go to the zoo/park/cinema/supermarket/Great Wall   
I’m hungry/thirsty.   What about…?  Sounds good/No, thanks.I’d like…  some juice  some rice  a hamburger   a soft drink   some coffee  a glass of milk-a cup of tea   a hot dog-some bread   a sandwich- a cake
What’s this/that (in English)? It’s…  a cat  a dog   a monkey  a zebra  a panda   an elephant   a book   a rubber  a ruler  a pen  a pencil  a ball pen   a pencil sharpener
What would you like? I’d like…   a cake    an egg   an ice cream   some coffee   a cup of tea   a glass of juice    some rice  a cap   a hat   a tie  a vest  a belt
Can I help you?   (I’d like) …, please. a carton of milk   a bar of chocolate  some bread  a pencil box   a coat   a T-shirt   a blouse  a dress  a pair of trousers/shoes/socks
What do you like? I like…  swimming  rowing  climbing  fishing  skating   skiing  
jogging    running  pandas   tigers   oranges  watermelons
What do you play? I play …  football     basketball   volleyball   baseball
the violin   the guitar   the piano   the accordion
What’s …plus/and/minus…?  It’s…  3+5=?   8+2=?   11+9=?   6+17=?  16+3=?  13+1=?     4-3=?   9-8=?    18-10=?  15-7=?   9-4=?    12-6=?
What’s the time/What time is it?  It’s…
7:00  4:00  9:00  5:00  3:00  10:05  8:10  2:15  12:20  1:30
What colour is it/…? It’s …  red   blue   green  white   black and white   
the door-orange  your bike-black  his shirt-yellow  her sweater-brown
Where is …? It’s/He’s/She’s…the tape-in the bedroom       my school bag-on the chair
your jacket-on the sofo        Helen-in the dining room       your brother-in the study
his pen-in the sitting room     my Walkman-in the kitchen    the skirt-in the bathroom
How many…can you see? I can see…
3 apples     5 windows   2 pineapples   11 oranges   14 pears   
8 mangoes  19 bananas    7 peaches    9 boxes       1 bed
How much is …? It’s …yuan. the stapler-¥15 your knife-¥1  the crayons-¥12   her storybook-¥10  that tape-¥4    this copybook-¥3   Liu Tao’s toy train-¥50
Who’s he/she/the …?  He’s/She’s… David   Nancy   Mr Green   Miss Li   Mrs Brown the boy-Mike   the girl-Yang Ling   the man-my father   the woman-Mike’s grandmother
What…!  a tall boy    a fat dog   a small book   a nice telephone   a long ruler  a big egg   a thin girl     a short man
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