8AU7 Seasons 单词&词组 1. 把我的衣服拿来(2) bring me my clothes =bring my clothes to/for me (bring-brought-brought) 2. 看起来酷 look cool 不穿衣服感觉凉爽 feel cool with nothing on (feel-felt-felt) 3. 你最喜欢哪个季节?(2) Which season do you like best? =Which is your favourite season? 4. 这是在外面踢足球的最佳时期。 It’s the best time to play football outside. 5. 太冷 too cold 如此的热 so hot 6. 将会更多的有....... There will be more clouds/fog/rain/snow Cloud —— cloudy 多云的 | | | | | | be cloudy/foggy/rainy/snowy/sunny/windy |
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