1. read, look at , watch ,see read 指阅读,指看有文字内容的东西。 read books 书本相关词组及句型:Reading is fun. / read books therelook at 指看的是静止的东西。【注意】 1.表示看着某样东西的时候一定要有介词at look at the picture 【同理】listen to 也是一样,光光表示听!用listen! 表示听音乐或者同某人说用listen to music 或者listen to sb 即使是把look 当成名词看,也要加at have a look at the picture 2.look 表示看起来的时, look happy / strong/ modern __________ she look happy? watch 指的是看着非静止的东西,如watch TV, watch a film , watch a match see 指的看到的结果, see a film2. one, once, first , One ,数量。 Once 一次, 对划线提问:He visits his grandma once a week. How many times does he visit his grandma a week? 对划线提问:He visits his grandma once a week. How often does he visit his grandma ? first : The first day of a week is Sunday be the first to do
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