四会 1.打开______ 2.这个那个这些那些________ 3.门_________ 4. 窗户____________5.关上合上________ 6.书___________ 7. 打开门________ _______ ________8.关上窗_______ _______ _________ 9.两本大书 ______ ______ _________ 三会 1.in class ___________ 2. stand up ________ 3. please sit down ______________ 4.I’m sorry ___________ 5. come in __________ 6. Look at the blackboard._____________ 7.Don’t listen to the parrot. ____________________ 8. Bob has two big books.________________________9.Mr Robot __________ 9. say “Hello!” __________ 11. off we go ___________12. a rubber ___________ 四会 1.打开______ 2.这个那个这些那些________ 3.门_________ 5. 窗户____________5.关上合上________ 6.书___________ 10. 打开门________ _______ ________8.关上窗_______ _______ _________ 9.两本大书 ______ ______ _________ 三会 1.in class ___________ 2. stand up ________ 3. please sit down ______________ 4.I’m sorry ___________ 5. come in __________ 6. Look at the blackboard._____________ 7.Don’t listen to the parrot. ____________________ 11. Bob has two big books.________________________9.Mr Robot __________ 10. say “Hello!” __________ 11. off we go ___________12. a rubber ___________ 四会 1.打开______ 2.这个那个这些那些________ 3.门_________ 6. 窗户____________5.关上合上________ 6.书___________ 12. 打开门________ _______ ________8.关上窗_______ _______ _________ 9.两本大书 ______ ______ _________ 三会 1.in class ___________ 2. stand up ________ 3. please sit down ______________ 4.I’m sorry ___________ 5. come in __________ 6. Look at the blackboard._____________ 7.Don’t listen to the parrot. ____________________ 13. Bob has two big books.________________________9.Mr Robot __________ 10. say “Hello!” __________ 11. off we go ___________12. a rubber ___________
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