




lyjym 2005-4-1 19:49 [复制链接]
发表于 2005-4-9 20:55:00
发表于 2005-4-1 19:50:00
1.星期一上午 Monday morning
2.李老师和她的学生 Miss Li and her students
3.第一节课 the first lesson
4.新学期 the new term
5.这学期 this term
6.八门功课 eghit subjects
7.一周里 in a week
8.什么课程 what subject
9.非常喜欢 like…very much
10.让我想想 let me see
11.告诉我 tell me
12.立刻 at once
13.窍门是什么 What's the trick?
14.在学校 at school
15.生病 be ill
16.午饭后 after lunch
17.打电话 make a telephone call
18.缺席 be absent
19.呆在床上 stay in bed
20.钟附近 near clock
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 10:59:38编辑过]

发表于 2005-4-1 20:36:00
21.头疼 get a headache
22.很快会好起来 get better soon
23.吃药 take some medicine
24.放学 classes are over / school is over
25.买一些水果 get some fruit
26.马上见 see you soon
27.感冒 get a cold
28.多休息 have a lot of rest
29.张开嘴巴 open your mouth
30.睁开眼睛 open your eyes
31.选择一个电话 choose one to call
32.打错了 wrong number
33.喜爱那只胖猴子 love that fat monkey
34.发高烧 get a high fever
35.去看病 go to see a doctor
36.觉得好一些了 feel better
37.集邮 collect stamps
38.摄影 take photos
39.收集硬币 collect cions
40.种花 grow flowers
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 11:00:22编辑过]

发表于 2005-4-2 10:50:00


41.养金鱼  keep goldfish
42.做模型船 make model ships

43.做衣服 make clothes

44.一张中国邮票 a chinese stamp

45.一张动物邮票  an animal stamp

46.一张有趣的照片 an interesting photo

47.有一些爱好 have some hobbies

48.烧一手好菜 cook nice food

49.做漂亮的连衣裙 make pretty dresses

50.做一件T恤衫 make a T-shirt

51.在花园里 in the garden

52.听音乐 listen to music

53.浇花 water the flowers

54.浇树 water the trees

55.来这儿看一看 come here and have a look

56.每天 every day
57.照料、看管 look after
58.相同的爱好 the same hobbies

59.使用电脑 use a computer
60.写信 wirte a letter
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 11:11:40编辑过]

发表于 2005-4-2 10:51:00
61.写电子邮件 write an e-mail
62.在电脑房里 in the computer room
63.进来 come in
64.一个英国朋友 an English friend

65.一个中国朋友 a Chinese friend

66.打乒乓球 play table tennis

67.忙 be busy

68.浏览英特网 surf Internet

69.居住、住在 live in

70.一个小镇 a small town

71.同岁 the same age

72.学习语文 study Chinese

73.在星期天 on Sundays

74.踢足球 play football

75.大声说话 speak loudly

76.舞姿优美 dance beautifully

77.跳高 jump high

78.快速地跑 run fast

79.小心地走 walk carefully

80.静静地坐着 sit quietly

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 13:04:49编辑过]

发表于 2005-4-2 10:51:00

81.书写认真 write carefully

82.仔细照顾 look after carefully

83.在晚上 in the evening

84.放学后 after school

85.去学校 go to school

86.从星期一到星期五 from Monday to Friday

87.非常 very much

88.做练习 do exercise

89.在公共汽车上 in the bus

90.在海上 in the sea

91.在树下 under the tree

92.上七节课 have seven lesson

93.欢迎来我家 welcome to my home

94.躺在沙发上 stay on sofa

95.觉得不舒服 feel ill

96.照看花儿 look after flowers

97.每周 every week

98.弹钢琴 play the piano

99.打网球 play tennis

100.见到你真高兴 glad to see you

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-6 19:39:04编辑过]

发表于 2005-4-4 09:39:00
发表于 2005-4-4 11:04:00
发表于 2005-4-4 12:26:00
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