1.星期一上午 Monday morning
2.李老师和她的学生 Miss Li and her students
3.第一节课 the first lesson
4.新学期 the new term
5.这学期 this term
6.八门功课 eghit subjects
7.一周里 in a week
8.什么课程 what subject
9.非常喜欢 like…very much
10.让我想想 let me see
11.告诉我 tell me
12.立刻 at once
13.窍门是什么 What's the trick?
14.在学校 at school
15.生病 be ill
16.午饭后 after lunch
17.打电话 make a telephone call
18.缺席 be absent
19.呆在床上 stay in bed
20.钟附近 near clock
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 10:59:38编辑过]