1. Prefixes
1) dis- (not, the opposite of)
disadvantage(不利条件, 缺点, 劣势), dislike, disagree(不一致, 不适宜), disappear, disarm(解除武装, 缓和), disaster [di5zB:stE] (灾难, 天灾, 灾祸), disastrous [di5zB:strEs] (损失惨重的, 悲伤的)*, disappoint, disable *(使残废, 使失去能力), disability, discharge(卸下,放出,清偿,履行,解雇), disclose揭露, 透露*, discount(折扣), discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy [dis5krepEnsi *( 差异, 矛盾), disease(疾病, 弊病), disguise [dis5gaiz] (假装, 伪装, 掩饰), disgust(厌恶, 嫌恶), dishonest, dismay *(沮丧, 惊慌), disorder, dispatch [dis5pAtF] *(分派, 派遣), disperse *(分散, 疏散), displace *(转移, 取代), disregard *(漠视, 忽视), distort *( 扭曲, 歪曲, 误报), distract *(转移)
2) in- (not, in, into)
inability(无能, 无力), incorrect, incapable, inhuman, injustice(不公平, 不讲道义), informal, inside, include, inclusive *, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indefinite(模糊的, 不确定的), independence, independent, indifferent(无关紧要,漠不关心), indirect, indispensable(不可缺少的, 绝对必要的), individual, indoor, inertia *(惯性, 惯量), inevitable(不可避免的, 必然的), infamous (声名狼籍的)^, infinite(无穷的, 无限的, 无数的), inhabit *( 存在于, 占据, 栖息), inhabitant(居民, 居住者), inherent [in5hiErEnt] *(固有的, 与生俱来的), inject *(注射, 注入), injection, inland *(内陆的, 国内的), inlet *(进口, 入口, 水湾), inner, innocent(清白的, 无罪的, 天真的), innumerable *(无数的, 数不清的), input, inquire, inquiry, insane *(患精神病的, 精神病患者的), insert, inside, insight(洞察力, 见识), insist, inspect, inspiration [7inspE5reiFEn] *(灵感), inspire, install, installation, installment *(部分,分期付款), instance, instant, instinct(本能), insulate *(使绝缘, 隔离), intense(强烈的, 剧烈的, 热切的), interior(内部的, 内的), internal(内在的, 国内的), into, intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的), invade, invalid *(有病的, 无效的), invaluable *(无价的, 价值无法衡量的), invariably *(不变地, 总是), invasion, invert *(使颠倒, 使转化), investigate, invisible, involve, inward(向内的, 内在的)
3) im- (not, in, into)
impossible, imbalance(不平衡, 不均衡), immature, immoral(不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的), impatient, implicit *(暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的), impress, impression, import, immigrate(使移居入境), imprison(监禁, 关押), immerse(沉浸, 使陷入)
4) il- (not)
illegal(违法的, 不合规定的), illogical(不合逻辑的, 不合理的)
5) ir- (not)
irregular(不规则的, 无规律的), irresponsible, irrespective *(不顾的, 无关的)
6) un- (not)
unable, uncover(揭开, 揭露), undo, undoubtedly, undress(使脱衣服, 暴露), uneasy, unemployment *, unexpected, unfold *(打开, 显露), unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload(卸货, 卸载), unusual
7) non- (not)
nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal(非金属), nonresident(没有任何住所的), nonsense(胡说, 废话)
8) mis- (wrong, wrongly)
misjudge(判断错), misunderstand, mislead(误导), misspell, misstep(失足), misfortune(不幸, 灾祸), misuse
9) de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce)
deform(变形), deface(丑化, 使失面子), demobilize(复员), destruction, deforest(采伐森林, 清除树林), denationalize(解除国有化), depress(使沮丧, 使消沉, 压下), depression, devalue(减值, 贬值), decode (解码, 译解)^, decrease, degenerate *(退化), degrade *(降级, 堕落, 退化), descend(下来, 下降), descendant *(子孙, 后裔, 后代), descent *(降下, 降落)
10) pre- (before, in advance)
prefix ^, pre-historic, precaution(预防, 警惕), precede *(领先, 在...之前, 先于), preceding(在前的, 前述的), preclude *(排除), predecessor *(前辈, 前任), predict, predominant *(卓越的, 支配的, 主要的), preface(序文, 前言), prejudice(偏见, 成见), preliminary(预备的, 初步的), premature *(未成熟的,早熟的), premier *(总理), premise *(提论,假定), premium *(额外费用, 奖金, 保险费), preparation, prepare, prepay(预付), preside *(主持), president, presumably(推测起来, 大概), presume *, pretext *(借口, 托辞), prevail(流行, 盛行), prevent, previous(在前的, 早先的), prewar
11) ante-, (before, in advance)
anteroom(接待室, 前厅), ante-Christian, antemeridian(上午的), anticipate(预期, 期望), antique(古物, 古董)
12) fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front)
forehead, foreman(领班, 工头, 陪审团主席), foretell ^(预言, 预示), foresee *, forefather ^(祖先, 祖宗), foreleg, forerunner(先驱, 预兆) , foremost(最先的, 最初的), forecast(预见, 预测), forewarn(预先警告)
13) ex- (former)
ex-minister(前部长), ex-president(前总统), ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife(前妻), export, exclude(把...排除在外, 排斥), exclusive(排外的, 唯一的), excursion(远足, 离题), exhibit, exile *(放逐, 流放), exit, exotic *(异国情调的, 奇异的), expand, expansion, expedition *(远征, 探险队), expel *(驱逐, 开除), expend *(花费, 消耗), expenditure *(支出, 花费), expense, explode(爆炸, 爆发), explosion, explosive, expose(使暴露,使曝光), exposition *(博览会, 展览会, 说明), exposure(暴露, 揭露), express, expression, extend, extension(延长, 扩充), extensive(广大的, 广泛的), exterior(外部的, 外在的), external(外部的, 客观的), extinct(熄灭的, 灭绝的, 耗尽的), extra, extract *(摘录, 析取)
14) post- (later than, after)
postgraduate(研究生), post-war, postmeridian ^(午后的), postpone(推迟, 延迟), postscript ^(附言, 后记)
15) sub- (under, below, less important)
subject(受制于...的, 受...影响的), subway(地道, 地铁), subtitle(副题, 说明对白的字幕), submarine *(潜水艇, 潜艇), sub-zero, submerge(浸没, 淹没), submit(服从, 提交), subordinate *(次要的, 从属的, 下级的), subscribe *(捐款, 订阅), subsection(分段, 小部分), subsequent(后来的, 并发的), subsidiary *(辅助的, 补充的), subsidy *(补助金, 津贴), substance, substantial(坚固的, 实质的,), substitute(代替, 替换, 替代), subtract(减去, 减), suburb(表面下的, 地下的)
16) infra- (under)
infrastructure ^(基础设施), infrared ^(红外线)
17) re- (again, back to a former state)
react, reaction, recall(回忆, 回想), recede *(后退), receipt(收据, 收到), recipient *(容纳者, 容器), reclaim *(要求归还, 收回), recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover(痊愈, 复原, 胜诉), recovery, recreation(消遣, 娱乐), recur *(复发, 重现), recycle *, redundant *(多余的), reflect, reflection(反射, 映象, 倒影), reflexion(反射, 反射光), reform, refrain *(节制, 制止), refresh, refreshment *(点心, 饮料, 精力恢复, 爽快), refund *, refute *(驳倒, 反驳), reinforce(加强, 增援, 补充), reject(拒绝, 抵制, 否决), remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance *(复兴, 新生, 文艺复兴), renew, repay *(偿还, 报复), repeat, repeatedly, repel *(击退, 抵制), repetition(重复, 循环, 复制品), replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representative, repression *(镇压, 抑制), reproduce, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restore(恢复, 使回复, 归还), resume(再继续, 重新开始), return, reunion *(团圆, 重聚), reuse, review, revise(修订, 校订), revive*(复兴, 复活)
18) co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- (with together)
co-existence(共存), cooperate(合作), cooperative *, co-author(合作作者), coalition *(合并, 接合, 联合), coherent *(一致的, 连贯的), coincide *(一致, 符合), coincidence *, collaboration *(协作, 通敌), colleague, collide *, collision(碰撞, 冲突), compassion(同情,怜悯), concentric(同中心的), conjoin(结合, 连结), coordinate(同等, 调和), correlation(相互关系, 相关)
19) inter- (between, among)
international, interchangeable(可互换的), interdependent(相互依赖的, 互助的), interpersonal(人与人之间的), interview(面试,会见), interact *(相互作用), interaction, intercourse *(交往, 交流), interface ^(分界面, 接触面), interfere(干涉, 干预, 妨碍), interference, Internet, interrupt(打断,中断), interval(间隔, 距离, 幕间休息), intervene *(干涉, 介入)
20) macro- (large)
macroeconomics ^(宏观经济学), macrocosm ^(宏观世界), macrostructure(宏观结构)
21) micro- (extremely small)
microcomputer(微型电子计), microeconomics ^(微观经济学), microscope(显微镜), microphone, microsurgery(显微外科)
22) super- (greater or more than)
super, supermarket, supersonic *(超声波), superman, superpower(超级强权), supernatural, supervise *(监督, 管理), superb(庄重的,华丽的, 极好的), superficial(表面的, 肤浅的), superintendent *(主管, 负责人), superior(较高的, 上级的), superiority *, supreme(极度的, 极大的, 至高的)
23) sur- (more than, beyond)
surplus(剩余, 过剩), surtax(附加税), surface(表面, 外表), surpass *(超越, 胜过), surround, survival, survive, suspect(怀疑, 对...有所觉察)
24) ultra- (beyond, very, too)
ultramodern(超现代化的), ultrasound(超频率音响), ultra-violet *(紫外线的, 紫外的)
25) auto- (of or by oneself)
auto, autocriticism, autoland(自动着陆), automobile, automation *(自动控制), automatic(自动的, 机械的), autobiography ^(自传), autonomous *(自治的), autonomy *(自治)
26) mal- (bad, badly)
malfunction(故障), maltreat ^(虐待, 滥用), malnutrition ^(营养失调, 营养不良), malpractice ^(玩忽职守) |