



86岁德国老太参加体操比赛 身轻如燕技惊四座

vanessalyj 2012-4-1 12:04 [复制链接]
Meet Johanna Quaas, the lycra-donning granny whose muscular physique puts Madonna to shame.

At 86 Quass, of Halle, Saxony, would be forgiven for wanting to put her feet up, which she does - over her head that is.

And her gymnastic prowess is not the only trophy in her cabinet, she was once a member of the East German handball champion team, too.

The octogenarian showed off her skills at the 2012 Cottbus World Cup in Germany, where she wowed the crowd with her moves, performing an impressive parallel bar and floor demonstration.

Ultra flexible Quaas was a late starter, beginning her gymnastics training at the age of 30. But that hasn't held her back.

More than fifty years on she still steals the show from her younger rivals, as a multiple time senior champion of artistic gymnastics in Germany.

As she performs routines with the balance, strength and flexibility of a 20-year-old, this geriatric granny could easily be a quarter of her age - were it not for her tell-tale curly bob of snow-white hair and specs balanced on her nose.





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