Unit 1
一、 Teaching Aim
1、 能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语、并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。Hello/Hi ,I’m… What’s your name?
2、 培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。
3、 认识五个人物:David、 LiuTao、YangLing、 Mike 、Nancy
4、能听懂、会说以下单词:a bird、 a dog、 a cat、 a monkey、 a zebra、 a panda、a、tiger 、an elephant
5、 会唱歌曲Hello!
6、 理解冠词a/an之间的区别
二、 The difficults of teaching
1、能听懂、会说交际用语Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name? 2、八个动物单词
三、 Teaching Aids
1、 八张动物图片或玩具 2、 文中涉及的人物的全身像 3、 一个洋娃娃
4、 一些半遮掩的动物图片 5、 录音机和磁带
四、 Teaching Process
Lesson 1
一、 Teaching Aim
1、 Can listen say and read these sentences:Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?
2、 认识五个人物:David、 LiuTao 、YangLing 、Mike、 Nancy
二、 The difficults of teaching
正确掌握Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?的语音语调,会进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名
三、 Teaching Aid
1、 文中涉及的五个人物的图片 2、 一个洋娃娃 3、 录音机和磁带
四、 Teaching Process
Step 1 Free talk1、
T: Good morning ,boysand girls .Welcome back to school.I’m your English teacher this term. My name is Mr Chen. From now on , you can call me Mr Chen.
S:(齐)Miss Qiu
2、T: Show“Miss” S: read “Miss”
Step 2 Presentation
1、(1)T:(到学生面前) Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu
T:(站到学生旁边引说) I’m…
T:(开火车练说)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu
S: Hello/Hi, I’m…
(2)T: show these word: Hi Hello I’m S: learn to say
S: pair work (小小组练说、全班交流)
(3)T:(拿David等五人图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(LiuTao YangLing Mike Nancy)
S:(齐读)David… S:(拿David等人图片开火车练说)Hello/Hi,I’m David…
T: Hello/Hi ,I’m Miss Qiu
2、(1)T:(手拿洋娃娃)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu. What’s your name? T:(示范说)I’m TianTian T:Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu. What your name? S:(拿洋娃娃)I’m TianTian
(2)T: Now boys and girls,look here! Please read after me.
Show: What’s your name? S: read: name/your name/What’s your name?
T: (向三人说) Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu. What’s your name?
S123: I’m…
S:Hello/Hi, I’m… What’s your name? T:(拿人物图片)I’m David…
(3)T:(把图片给学生) S: pair work(小组交流、全班交流)
3、(1)T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David. What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m LiuTao T: (走向该生)Hello/Hi, LiuTao. S: Hello/Hi,David
(2)T: (开火车)Hello/Hi,…. S: Hello/Hi,…
(3)S: pair work
Step 3 Practices
1、 Open your book and listen to the tape 2、 Read after the tape
3、 Pair work(小小组练读、全班分角色读)
Step 4 Homework
1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape 2、Act the dialogue
五、 板书设计
Lesson 1
Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name? I’m…
Lesson 2
一、Teaching Aim
1、 能运用所学英语进行交际
2、 Can listen say and read these words :a bird 、a dog、 a cat、 a monkey 、a ze
bra、 a、panda、 a tiger、 an elephant
3、 理解冠词a/an之间的区别
二、The difficults of teaching
三、Teaching Aids
四、 Teaching Process
Step 1 Free talk
1、T: Hi/Hello,I’m Miss Qiu. What’s your name? S:I’m…(利用人物图片)
3、 Act the dialogue
S: Hi/Hello,I’m… What’s your name S:I’m…
Step 2 Presentation
1、(1)T:(show doll and say some times)What’s this? It’s a bird
T: a bird(升调) a bird(降调)
S: Read tighter S:Read one by one
T: Show the rhyme: bird bird 是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳
(2)The same way learn: a cat、 a dog 、a monkey
A: respond B:模仿动作猜动物
2、(1)、T:(show card and say )What’s this ? It’s a panda
T: a panda(升调) a panda(降调) S:Read tighter S:Read one by one
T:Show the rhyme: panda panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝
(2)、The same way learn:a zebra、 a tiger、 an elephant
Step 3 Practice
1、 Show the rhyme and say together
bird bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳 dog dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪
cat cat 是小猫,小猫 cat喵喵喵 monkey monkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃
panda panda是熊猫, 熊猫panda是国宝 zebra zebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹
tiger tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王 elephant elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙
2、 respond(先操练后面学的四个、再把八个一起操练)
3、 look and guess(出示八张动物半身像)
T:(教给方法)a dog(升调) S: Guess
Step 4 Consolidation
1、 Open your book and listen to the tape
2、 Read after the tape
3、 Fun house: Listen and circle
Step 5 Homework
1、 Listen to the tape and read after the tape
五、 板书设计
Lesson 2
图1 bird 图5 panda
图2 dog 图7 zebra
图3 cat 图7 tiger
图4 monkey 图8 elephant
Lesson 3
一、Teaching Aim
2、 用所学的日常交际用语进行情景表演
3、 完成练习册
二、Teaching Aids
1、八张动物图片 2、“Look and say”中的图片
三、Teaching Process
Step 1 Free talk
1、 Listen a song : “Hello ”song
2、 Greeting
T: Hi/Hello, I’m Miss Qiu. What’s your name? S: I’m…
T:Hi/Hello… S:Hi/Hello…
3、 Act the dialogue(三组)
S: Hi/Hello, I’m… What’s your name?
Step 2 Presentation
1、Show picture 1of “Look and say”
(1)、T:Look at the picture(指着图说)The boy is David. The girl is YangLing.Wh
at are they saying?Let’s make a dialogue
T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi ,I’m YangLing. What’s your name?
S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(2)、Ask two students, one act Yang Ling , one act David, make a dialogue S:… S:…
2、Show other pictures
(1)、T:What are they saying? Please talk to your partner S:Pair work
(2)、Act the dialogue
Step 3 Practice
1、Sing asong
(1)、Listen to the tape (2)、Sing after the tape (3)、Sing together
2、Do exersices
T:Open your book,let’s do some listening
(1)、Listen and judge
T: Talk to your partner,what are they saying S:Talking
T:Listen and judge
(2)、Listen and draw
T:(出示动物图片)What’s this? S: Respond S:Listen and drow
(3)、Listen,find and circle
T: What are these? S: Find and say S:Listen, find and circle
Step 4 Homework
(1)、Listen to the tape (2)、Read the text and these words
Lesson 3
图1 图2
图3 图4