[ei] cake game table take age baby name favourite grade grape late radio plane same classmate
[] happy hat rabbit hand bag man thank apple black and at am many any blackboard can cat grandfather hat have map panda that back bad bank camera cap dad jacket Japan Japanese family glad shall animal fax
[a:] after basketball banana are can’t class classroom father afternoon grandfather grandma dance mask vase ask aunt past
[ ] watch want
[ ] about banana panda woman America American camera England Japan
[ ] parent
[i:] he she we these zebra maybe evening Chinese Japanese me
[e] bed well welcome very tell telephone pen next letter help hello guess get else American address yes yellow twelve twenty ten spell seven pencil let eleven egg dress desk
[ai] five kite like tiger bike write China find nice time white driver minus pineapple wife behind beside child mine
fish fridge in milk in fifteen fifty family give kill him his it miss office picture sit six this window animal big children cinema different ill little live river sing ticket village which with
[i:] policeman
[ ] go old open zero ok sofa no over no over so radio only nose hello those photo don’t close clothes home toe goldfish oval hope
[]clock coffee doctor hot model job song lot hobby sorry often on stop strong everybody of hospital pot copy box clock doctor dog not office on of orange doll from locked shopping sock wrong
[] bother colour come mother some son glove London lovely money love brother Monday other
[u:] do shoe two who whose to
woman move
[ ] today o’clock computer London policeman watermelon welcome together welcome collect
[ju:] duty excuse student computer music use usually
[ ] much uncle umbrella bus up supper plus mum lunch husband funny duck under number hundred cup but sun Sunday study bus jump puppet run us subject brush
[u:] ruler blue
[  ] minus
[  ] busy
ay [e ] day play say stay always
ar [  ] car park garden start party star guitar cartoon hard large
[  ] quarter
ea[  ]eat ice-cream read sea speak please easy each mean
[ e ]bread head ready breakfast sweater
[  ] really idea
[ e ] great
ear [  ] dear hear near year nearby earphones
[ e ] bear pear
[  ] learn
ere [ e ] there where [  ] here
air [ e ] pair hair chair eir [ e ] their
oo[] too zoo room cartoon school afternoon balloon soon
[] book look good foot football cook classroom bedroom |