本的表弟 Ben’s cousin 只有四岁 only four years old
许多问题 a lot of questions 一些公共标志 some public signs
表达不同的意思 mean different things 远离 stay away from / keep off
鸟笼 the bird’s cage 保持安静 keep quiet
吵闹 make noise 爬树 climb the tree
照相 take photos 一张十圆纸币 a ten-yuan note
环顾四周 look around 把它捡起 pick it up
向……走近 come up to 指向 point to
罚款10圆 fine ¥10
Unit 2
本班上的一位新学生 a new student in Ben’s class 一起回家 go home together
放学以后 after school 谈论有关…… talk about
三月三日 the third of March 四月三十日 the thirtieth of April
在五月一日 on the first of May 在七月二十二日 on the twenty-second of July
你的生日 your birthday 吹灭蜡烛 blow out the candles
作为生日礼物 as a birthday present 来参加我的生日聚会 come to my birthday party
举办生日聚会 have a birthday party 一张日本卡通光盘 a VCD of Japanese cartoons
Unit 3
运动节 Sports Day 所有的学生 all the students
非常激动 very excited 非常令人兴奋 very exciting
寻找 look for 一场赛跑 a running race
让我看看 let me see 刚才 a moment ago / just now
在苏海的口袋里 in Su Hai’s pocket 在地上 on the ground
帮我把它们捡起来 pick them up for me 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses
一部手机 a mobile phone 两块手帕 two handkerchiefs
一卷胶卷 a roll of film 三本日记 three diaries
一副耳机 a pair of earphones 在桌子下面 under the table |