本帖最后由 miaomiao 于 2012-9-23 10:19 编辑
- The king's new clothes 扬州-吴伟
- The king's new clothes 苏州-吴丹
- The king's new clothes 徐州-雷蕾
- The king's new clothes 无锡-蒋必诚
- Bus,taxi or metro 连云港-顾蓓蓓
- Bus,taxi or metro 宿迁-谷晓婷
- Bus,taxi or metro 盐城-钱晶晶
- Bus,taxi or metro 南通-李晓飞
- Healthy food 连云港-郇永康
- Healthy food 南京-李磊
- Healthy food 淮安-吴大卫
- Healthy food 常州-刘鑫
- Posters 镇江-吴静
- Posters 泰州-王莉
- 专家讲座 南大外国语学院 张伊娜