Unit3 At a music lesson
教材分析:本单元主要通过Mr Green 上的一堂音乐课引出“谈论能力”这一话题,主要学习Can you…? Yes, we can./ No, we can’t. I can… What can you do? 等句子。在教学中教师应尽量运用图片、体态语言等为学生创设情景,以帮助学生理解这些句子的功能和意义;然后引导学生操练、练习、运用。举行操练要与学生生活相结合,并通过“任务型”的教学途径,开展一些调查活动,使所学内容与学生生活紧密结合,以提高学生实际运用语言的能力。
本单元所出的词汇主要是can及其所带出的一串动词,除了make 是第一次出现外,其余的在3B中都已出现过。教学中,可以采用师生边说句子边做动作,以活跃课堂气氛,强化学生记忆,并结合3B 中已学过的相关内容,帮助学生系统掌握这类单词。
本单元所出现的日常交际用语有Listen to the song, please. Now, follow me, please. Yes./ Ok./All right. 等。教学中,教师可以边演示、边说这些交际用语,使学生在听懂的基础上能熟练地进行口头表达。
教学目标:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a lesson, sing, a song, dance, play, learn, make, put, him。
2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Can you…? Yes, I/ We can. / No, I/ We can’t. I can…What can you do?
3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Ok. Let’s start. Listen to the…, please. Now, follow me, please. Yes./ Ok ./ All right. Let’s sing it together.
4.初步掌握情态动词 Can 的基本用法。
5.初步了解元音字母 a 在单词中的读音。
6.能有表情地演唱歌曲 We cam sing and dance.
教学重点:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a lesson, sing, a song, dance, play, learn, make, put, him。
2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Can you…? Yes, I/ We can. / No, I/ We can’t. I can…What can you do?
教学难点:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a lesson, sing, a song, dance, play, learn, make, put, him。
2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Can you…? Yes, I/ We can. / No, I/ We can’t. I can…What can you do?
教学时间: 第一课时 part A and H
第二课时 part B, part C and D
第三课时 part E, F and G
第四课时 讲评练习
第五课时 单元测验
第六课时 分析试卷
教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组:sing, dance, music, lesson,
2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Let’s sing … first. Listen to …, please. Now, follow me, please. Let’s start/begin. Let’s sing it together.
3.初步了解掌握句型: Can you…? Yes, I/we can. No, I/we can’t. What can you do? I can …
教学过程 课前修改或课后生成
Step1 Pre-reading
T: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. 很高兴能和大家一起学习Unit 3 At a Music lesson.
首先,老师想知道你们都会些什么。老师会问:What can you do? 你会做什么?你可以回答:I can… 我会… 如果你会打棒球,就可以告诉老师:I can play baseball. 如果你会弹吉他,就可以告诉老师:I can play the guitar. 下面我们来看看这两句话是怎么说的?Follow me请跟我读——What can you do? I can…
T: Hi,… What can you do?
S1: I can play basketball. (配合手势)
T: Good. Hello, … What can you do?
S2: I can play the violin. (配合手势)
T: Now, you can ask your classmates, please.
Step 2:while-reading
1. T: You are all very good, I think. You can play the violin and play the guitar at a Music lesson. 我们可以在音乐课上拉小提琴,弹吉他。这里有两个新单词,Read after me: Music, lesson
T: Good. Mr Green and his students are having a Music lesson. Please read and answer my questions.请你先试着读一读前言,找出这两个问题的答案。
Q1: What time is it now?
Q2: Where are the students?
T: The first question: What time is it now?(It is two o’clock in the afternoon.)
T: The second question: Where are the students?(They are in the Music room.)
T: Now, can you try to read it?
2. T: 通过这段话的学习,我们知道这篇课文谈论的是在音乐课上发生的事,老师想问一下: What can we do at a Music lesson? Yes, we can sing the song. Read after me: song
T: Good. Mr Green and his students are having a Music lesson.
T: 这里就有一些歌曲的名称,我们来看一看, read after me(带读歌曲名称) 你们会唱什么歌? What can you sing? 你可以把会唱的歌曲告诉老师: We can sing…
T: You can sing many songs, I think. What can they sing? Mr Green的学生们会唱什么歌呢?Please listen and find. 阅读对话第一部分,找出他们会唱的和不会唱的歌曲:
(They can sing________ and ________. They can’t sing________.)
T: OK. 你能填出来吗?
T: They can sing ‘In the classroom’ and ‘Colour song’.
They can’t sing ‘We can sing and dance’.他们会唱的歌曲是‘In the classroom’和 ‘Colour song’, 他们不会唱的歌名是什么呢?‘We can sing and dance’。这里有一个新单词dance Read after me: dance, sing and dance
T: Well done. 他们会唱‘In the classroom’, 你们会唱吗?Let’s sing ‘In the classroom’ first.
我们也来唱这首歌吧。先来看这句话是怎么说的。Read after me: Let’s sing ‘In the classroom ’ first. OK. Let’s sing it together. ( 播放歌曲)
3. T: 刚才我们知道Mr Green的学生会唱‘In the classroom’ 这首歌。但老师还有两个问题: Can Ben sing ‘In the classroom ’? What can he do? 让我们再看一遍课文的短片,找出这两个问题的答案。( 播放课文片段)
(No, he can’t. He can play the violin.)
4. T: 我们知道,他们不会唱的歌曲是‘We can sing and dance’. Can you sing the song?你们会唱吗?如果你不会,就跟着Mr Green一起来学一学吧。Let’s learn the song. Read after me: learn, learn the song
T: OK. Let’s start. 老师请同学们再看一遍课文的短片,看看他们是怎样学唱新歌的。
( 播放课文动画)
T: 怎么样,你们知道他们是怎样学唱新歌的了吗?他们跟着Mr Green一起做了哪些事情呢?请看这些句子。
They follow the teacher.
They sing it together.
They listen to the song ‘We can sing and dance’.
T: They follow the teacher. Read after me: follow, follow the teacher
T: They sing it together. Read after me: together, sing it together
T: They listen to the song. Read after me: listen to, listen to the song
T: listen to 这个词我们在平时用得比较多,例如:listen to me/him/the teacher/the radio等等,而且它和我们刚才学的单词lesson的发音很相似,要注意区别。请再跟我把这两个单词读一读。
T: 下面再看一遍课文的短片,然后给这些句子排排序吧。
T: OK. 你排出正确的顺序了吗?请你来看看你的答案和老师的答案是否一致。
4. T: OK. Now let’s learn the song ‘We can sing and dance’ like this. First, listen to the song, please.现在我们也按照这样的顺序来学习这首新歌吧。 首先,请你听一听,把歌词补充完整。
We can sing and dance
You can ______ and we can ______.
They can ________.
Are you ready? __________
Let’s ______. Let’s ______ and __________.
T: 你能填出来了吗?
Let’s begin. means Let’s start. 这两个句子的意思是相同的。Read after me: begin, start
T: Now, follow me, please.请跟我读。(带读歌词)
T: Can you sing it now? 你们会唱了吗?
T: Yes. Let’s sing it together. 我们一起唱吧。 (播放歌曲)
5. T: Good! Now please listen and repeat. 请跟录音读。
T: Please read Part A.
Step 3: Post-reading
T: OK. We had a Music lesson with Mr Green. 现在和Mr Green一起来回顾一下这堂音乐课。You can read and try to complete it.请你根据课文内容,将Mr Green 的描述填写完整。
The students ______ sing ‘In the classroom’ and ‘
Colour song’. But they ______ sing ‘We can sing and
dance’. They ______ how to sing it. They listen to the
______ first, ______ me and sing it __________.
They can sing the song now.
T: OK. Let’s check out the answers.
作业设计:1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
2.Copy the new sentences.
The word follow should be presented here. The pronunciation of some letters should be reviewed. And Ss should try to spell the word.
Watch the video first and then answer these questions. To enhance Ss interests in the class.
The phrase sing the song should be presented here.
Read the last part of the dialogue after the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Read the text in different roles. Ss should read it in suitable intonation,
附板书: Unit 3 At a music lesson
Let's start.
Learn the song.
Listen to the song.
Follow me, please.
Let's sing it together.