本帖最后由 我是昆山的 于 2012-10-28 20:28 编辑
参考了两份同行的试卷,加入了自己的一些题目,应该是蛮完整的一份试卷了。好用请回复 不要你一个金钱
听力材料 一、 1. with 2. picture 3. horse 4. tomorrow 5. chicken 6. near the book 7. model building 8. play basketball 9. eight yuan 10. do you like vases? 二、 1. ---- Shall we learn the song “ we can sing and dance”, boys and girls? ---- Yes, Mr Green. Q: What time is it? 2. What can you do, Mike? Look, I can put an egg on my head. Great! Q: What can Mike do? 3. Mum, it’s Saturday today. Tomorrow is Halloween. Oh, yes. We need to buy things for Halloween party. Q: What day is it tomorrow? ( 明天星期几?) 4. What do your parents like, Nancy? They like reading. What do you parents like, Helen? They like swimming. Q: What do Nancy’s parents like? Do you play computer games with your teacher, Wang Bing? 5. No, but sometimes we play basketball with him. Q: What do you do after school , Wang Bing? 三、 1. I like tigers. Do you like tigers, Su Hai? 2. Let’s make a pumpkin lantern, Yang Ling. 3. I like puppets. What do you like, Gao Shan? 4. Can I help you, sir? 5. How much are the flowers? 四、 1. They need some masks and flowers. 2. Shall we make a paper duck? 3. Mike can make model cars, but David can’t. 5. Who’s playing on the swing? He’s my brother. 预览已结束,请登录阅读全文。 本文共4页,您只能预览前4页,下载后可全文阅读 版权声明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领 |