Step 1 Group work:Act out the dialogue.
1. 小组内根据本单元所学内容,创设情境编对话。
2. 记到笔记本上,互相读一读,问一问。
3. 全班交流。
Step 2Read and do exercises.
1Read,match and colour.(完成《练习与测试》part F)
1) Look at the sentences and read.
2) Translate the sentences.
3) Do it by themselves.
4) Check the answers.
2. Read and choose.(完成《练习与测试》part G)
1)Look at the sentences.
2)Read and choose.
3)Check the answers.
3.Look,read and write.(完成《练习与测试》part H)
1)Look at the pictures and complete the dialogue.
2)Check the answers.
4.Read,tick and write(完成《练习与测试》part I)
1)Look at the sentences and read the sentences.
2)Read the sentences and tick the correct answers.
3)Check the answers.
5.Read and judge.(完成《练习与测试》part J)
1)Look at the dialogue and read the dialogue,guess what the order is.
2)Judge the sentences.
3)Check the answers.
Step 3 Oral exercise 口语练习
1. Read the dialogues together.(《练习与测试》part J)
2. Act out the dialogue according to part J.
3. Try to act out the dialogues they’ve made.(Group work)