




wyywyy 发表在 Welcome to the unit2013-7-4 20:52 [复制链接]
Unit 1
This is me!
Welcome to the unit
Warm-up activities
Exchange some personal information with the Ss (name etc.).
Say I’m your new teacher. How can you call me at school?
Encourage them to talk freely. Then say You can call me
Show the Ss the pictures we have prepared already. Explain that ‘Mr’ is used for both single and married men, ‘Mrs’ is for married women only and ‘Miss’ is for single women only. For more able Ss, explain that ‘Ms’ is for both single and married women. Help the Ss to address them in right ways.
Present the new words.
Master----Point to the first picture and say This is Mr Green. He likes dogs very much. He has a dog at home. So he is the dog’s master. Ask the Ss Do you like animals? Do you like dogs/cats? Do you have a dog/ a cat at home? Is it big or small? What colour is it? Are you a good master of your dog/cat?
Look after----Say Mr Green is a good master. He looks after his little dog very well. Can you look after a little animal? Do you give it some nice food? What do you give it to eat? Do you give it a warm room to sleep at night? Do you take it to the park for a walk everyday? Do you play with it? A good master should look after your dog/cat as your good friend.
E-dog---- Say Look, there are two dogs here. Are they the same? No, they are different. Can you tell me what is the difference? Elicit the different places. (colour, size etc.) Anything else? Look at the yellow one. It’s a real dog. It can eat and sleep. What about the blue one? Can it eat? Can it sleep? No. Why? It’s not a real dog. It’s an e-dog. Do you have an e-dog at home?
Instruction book---- Say Do you know how to look after an e-dog? Here is a book for you to read. Then you know how to look after the e-dog. This book is an instruction book.
More examples can be given if time permits.
Show the comic strip to the Ss and give some questions for them to prepare. Then read the dialogue between two dogs for the Ss.
  Qs:   1) What’s the yellow dog’s name?
    2) What’s the e-dog’s name?
    3) Who is the master?
    4) Is Eddie happy in Picture 1? Why?
    5) Is Eddie happy in Picture 4? Why?
Ask the Ss to repeat the dialogue after you, imitating your   pronunciation and intonation.
  Ss read the dialogue in pairs. Then act it out.
Meeting new friends
Say Eddie has an e-dog. Its name is Hobo. So Eddie is Hobo’s master. But do you know who is Eddie’s master? His master is Millie.
Show the picture and say We are meeting 6 new friends now. Millie is one of them. Listen carefully and find out. Read the dialogues for the Ss.
Read it again. This time they must try to remember the names as many as possible. Then collect the names from them.
Ss repeat after you. Pay attention to use different voices to differentiate the different characters.
Divide the class into pairs. Then they read the conversation.
Say Look at Amy and Simon. When is it now? It’s in the morning. So they say good morning to each other. Look at the clocks and tell me the time. Present the different parts of the day.
Ask Ss to do Part B1 alone.
Ss work in pairs to practise introducing oneself. Use the sentences they have learned in this lesson.

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