"I can't do that; it's more than my job's worth".
像这种人英语中就叫做jobsworth。A jobsworth is a person who only does the
work they're supposed to do and nothing else. A jobsworth
做事情完全是按部就班,一点儿周转的余地都没有。It often refers to people who have
bureaucratic jobs and they never seem to want to help you!
"Jobsworth" 是个贬义用语,同时也是英国一个特有的词汇。这个词的起源是什么呢?"Jobsworth" 来自于两个词
job's worth——The person won't help you because they think that
to be helpful is more than their job's
is rules", "It's more than my job's worth."
为什么会有那么多的jobsworth?If you have a real fear of losing your job,
why should you risk making an unnecessary mistake for someone
who has not played by the rules? Following a clear rule is
always going to be easier than exercising a difficult
discretion. 按部就班工作,不犯错就不会惹麻烦的想法让人们做起事来显得死板而麻木。
A: I waited in a queue at the post office for an hour earlier
for my stamps and then the man behind the desk told me I had
to stand in a different queue to buy an envelope.
B: No way, what a jobsworth!
对话 2
A: So Helen, have you brought the script to the studio?
B: No, that's not part of my job. I'm not responsible for the
A: So come on Helen, where are those scripts?
B: I told you, it's not my job to bring the scripts to the
A: You really are a jobsworth, aren't you?
B: Only joking! I've got the scripts right here.
Don't be such a jobsworth! 少一些officious and
inflexible的职员,少一些petty rule-following and excessive