Gee... 啊?是吗?
L: Michael, 你听说了没有,Professor Johnson的车坏了,这节课取消了。
M: His car broke down? (sarcastically) Gee... that's too bad!
I was really looking forward to Professor Johnson's class!
L: 你不是最讨厌上Professor Johnson的课吗?你说geeeee, 这是什么意思啊?
M: (sighs) Come on, Li Hua! Don't you know what sarcasm is? Of
course I don't like that class!
L: 噢,你是在说反话!哎哟,你们美国学生老是说那些讽刺挖苦的话,有时候我都听不懂。哎,gee到底是什么意思吗?
M: Well, "Gee..." is an interjection that shows surprise,
wonder, or uncertainty. Sometimes when people say "Gee..." (in
a long, drawn out fashion) they are just pretending that they
are surprised.
M: I would say, "Gee..., I don't know... Winter here has been
cold every year for the last ten thousand years, but maybe
this year will be different."
L: 几千年来纽约的冬天都是冷的,今年可能会不同,哎,Michael, 你也真是能说反话哎!
M: Now, Li Hua, why don't you give me an example using "Gee"
without sarcasm to show that you are surprised.
L: 举个不带讽刺意思的例子啊... 哎,要是你告诉我你得到一大笔让你到中国去学习的奖学金,我就会说:Gee, that's
great!。哎,Michael, 教室都空了,你走不走啊?
M: (Sarcastically, in English) "Gee, I don't know. Sometimes I
just like to sit in an empty classroom and do nothing..."
L: 得,你愿意坐在空教室里,那我走了!
M: Hey, wait!