《5A Unit9Shapes》教学案例
这个单元的核心内容是"辨认形状"。圆形、星形、正方形、长方形、三角形、菱形、这六种形状,其中前三种形状的单词要求能听说读写,并初步运用What shape is it?将形状与日常生活用品结合起来进行交际。
本课的课题是Shapes 对象是五年级的学生。鉴于五年级的学生已经有了一定的动手能力和自主思维能力,我在这堂课中设置了不少同桌协作,提出不少有效问题,不但能促进学生积极思考、训练学生的思维、激发求知欲望,并尽量使所学知识与实际靠拢,尽可能多的利用实物进行单词和句型的操练。整节课的宗旨是,将说的机会尽量让给学生。除了一些必要的示范,我通过暗示,引导等方法让学生尽可能多说,多思考,多表现,有效地激发了他们学习的热情和表现的欲望,并很大程度上锻炼扩展了他们的思维,并在一定程度上提高了他们的动手能力。很好的体现了小学英语兴趣性活动型和生活性的原则,在实施教学的过程中充分体现学生是学习的主体,调动
2.认知目标:学生能听说读写四个单词(shape, circle, square,
star,);能听说读三个单词(diamond, rectangle, triangle);能运用What shape is it?或What shape is the...? It's a/an...进行口语交际。
Step1. Warm up
1、Sing a song : Twinkle, twinkle, little star(CAI播放歌
T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ss: Hello, Miss Wu!
T: Nice to meet you!
Ss: Nice to meet you, too!
Step2. Lead-in
1、 Free talk(一方面让学生快速进入英语学习状态,另一方面对新知识的学习作铺垫)
T: Boys and girls, do you like English?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: What can you do? (可提示:Can you …?) Oh, you can …,
but I can draw. I can draw pictures on the computer.
Let’s have a look, ok?(课件出示四幅图〈让学生认一认
a tree a house, a sun, some flowers 〉 )
T: What can you see in these pictures?
S1: I can see many shapes. ( 若学生答不出,帮助学生说shapes, 从而引出单词shape的教学,出示单词卡 shape 形状 )
2、学生齐读shape,开火车读(师作朗读指导 she / shape)
T: Today, we’ll learn Unit 9 shapes. (齐读课题,板书) (通过Free talk引出四会单词 shape的教学,并揭题)
Step 3 Presentation
T: Now let’s learn some shapes. Look, what shape is it? (点击课件,出示circle) 师手拿单词卡片,领读单词 circle,
circle (Ss read row by row)
T: What’s this in English ? ( 课件出示一足球)
S2: It’s a football .
T:What shape is it?
S2: It’s a circle.
T: Good, can you say circle, circle, the clock is a circle?
S2: Circle, circle, the football is a circle.
T: Very good, I’ll give you a star . (并请该生跟师读一读,a star) 再请全班同学说一说。
T: I have three pencils, boys and girls can you make a
shape? Come here and show us how to do it.(请一学生上前来表演)
T: What shape is it?
S3: It’s a triangle.
T: (点击课件,出示 triangle, 学生跟读两遍师领读手拿单词卡注意音标) 师做手势,请学生跟读, tri- tri -tri- angle
-angle –angle, triangle, triangle
T:What’s this ? ( 师出示大三角尺的刻度边)
S4: It’s rule.
T: What shape is it?
S4: It’s a triangle.
T: Good, can you say triangle, triangle, the ruler is a
Triangle ?
S4:Triangle, triangle, the ruler is a triangle.
T: Very good, you can get a star, too.(同样请该生读一读 a
star )
T:( 事先准备好一个由正方形折得的三角形,师手拿该图形)What shape is it?(展开再 问) What shape is it ,now ?
S5: It’s a square.(贴黑板上)(学生若答不出,请学生问老师,提前出示句型What shape is it) (pass and say) 课件出示该单词,教读。(学生操练ask and answer one by one, group
by group)
T: I have a box, what shape is it? S6: It’s a square. T:
So we can say: square, square, the box is a square.
T: (拿长方形) Is it a square? Is it a triangle?
S7: No, it’s a rectangle. 课件出示教读该单词。师分音节领读,拿到黑板跟triangle作比较。T: Look, what can you find?(贴黑板上)课件下方出示angle, 角,角落,请学生跟读2遍,ask: What shape is it?
Ss: It’s a rectangle. 师做手势,请学生跟读, rec- rec -rec- tangle -tangle–tangle, rectangle, rectangle
T: Can you find some rectangles in our classroom?(师适当提示:I can find, look, the window is a rectangle.)(请全班学生问:What shape is the …? 贴板书)
S8:the … is a rectangle. 指名答,答完一齐说rectangle.
rectangle. the … is a rectangle.(说的过程中奖star)
T: What shape is it?
S9: It’s a diamond. 教读单词,音标 (出示几样实物操练)学生ask and answer(奖 star)
T直接出示单词卡片What shape is it?
S10: It’s a star.
T: Do you have any stars?
Ss: Yes.
T: Please show me your stars and say star.(要求拼读)说句子: Star, star, the star is a star. ( 15 ’)
Step4. Listen and read
1、 Listen and repeat.(跟课件读)
3、say a rhyme:(课件出示)
Rectangle e,rectangle ,
two rectangles;
square ,square ,
a square;
circle ,circle
a circle;
triangle ,triangle ,
three triangles.
oh,this is a man.
Step5. Practice 1
1、承上游戏,出示课件C ask and answer (师与一生示范,小组问答,再请学生 pair work )
2、Say a chant: 课件出示,最后两行请学生填写。填一填,读一读(打节奏)。(运用上面的问答,组成chant) ( 10 ’)
Step6. Homework.
1、Revise Part B & C. (listen, look, say, read )
2、Preview Part A. (listen, look, read) Reflections:
这堂课的主要教学内容为单词circle ,square ,rectangle ,
Triangle ,diamond ,star ,和句型what shape is it ?It’s a …/What shape is the…?It’s a …课堂开头和学生齐唱twinkle
twinkle little stars,这既调动了气氛也为后面的新手单词作铺垫,接着通过学生问:What can you do ?回答:I can draw.课件展示一幅画面,再通过: What shape is the…?来引出新授句型及其单词,过渡十分自然,而且在新授时,能把新单词和之前学过的单词进行对比,联系,巩固了所学,对于新授时间的练习也比较充足,而且在授学过程中,适当的穿插了chant,加深学生印象并结合图形呈现简笔画,教学效果良好,但个别单词发音有点错误,句型的练习也不够充分。
本堂课我采用的是多媒体教学,学生的学习积极性很高。形状是非常有趣的教学内容,教学是我采用单词卡片、实物结合在一起运用各种有效提问引出形状,把学生引入实际的情境中来学英语,收到了良好的效果,师生之间的交流也加大了,因此学习的氛围相当不错,学习的效率也很高。但是在句型的操练中好像把握得不是很准,学生的反馈中可以看到,把what shape is it ?It’s a …/What shape is the…?It’s a …有点混肴。单词长方形在发音还有待提高。