



8A Unit8 语言点、语法、技能

zhouyue_888 发表在 本单元综合2014-1-20 14:55 [复制链接]
1.        Who will mop up the water if I go home without you? 如果我不和你一起回家谁将拖干净水?
mop up “把。。。拖干净”   mop-mopping  mop- mopped  mop it up  
He mopped up the water on the floor just now。他刚才把泼在地上的水拖干净了。
Who is going to mop it up?谁打算把它拖干净?
2.        if 条件状语从句  (主将从现)
If it ___________(rain) tomorrow, I will stay at home.
=If it _____________tomorrow, I will stay at home. =If there ____________tomorrow, I will stay at home.
If you_________(not be)  at home, I _________(ask) her to go with me.
3.  Didn’t you hear the rain? No. 难道你没听见下雨吗?是的,(我没听见)
   难道你不是一位司机吗?不,我是的。 是的,我不是。我是老师。
Aren’t you a driver?  ______,__________.   ______,__________. I  ___________.
He is never late for school, is he?  _____,__________. He is always the first one to get to school.
4.  thousands of students数千学生  five thousand students 五千个学生  
  five thousand of the students 学生中的五千个  
5.  Did you hear about the fire at a school in the UK last week?你听说上周英国一所学校发生的火灾了吗?
  hear about=hear of 听说   hear from sb 收到某人的来信
  Did you hear about his news? 你听说他的新闻了吗?
  I am looking forward to hearing from you。我正在期待收到你的来信。
6.  Lighting  hit a  classroom building and it caught fire.,闪电击中了一幢教学楼,教学楼着火了。
fire作物质名词“火”是不可数。作“火灾,炉火”用时是可数 。
catch fire 着火  be on fire  火正在烧  play with fire 玩火  put out the fire 扑灭火
start a fire引起一场火灾  make a fire 生火
Paper catches fire easily. 纸易着火。   The building is on fire. 那幢楼着火了。
There was a big fire in the village last night..昨晚村庄里发生了一起火灾。
7.        People screamed in fear. 人们惊恐地尖叫着。  in fear “惊恐地,恐惧地”
He stood there in fear. 他害怕地站在那儿。
When they heard the strange noise last night, they looked at me in fear.
in surprise惊奇地 in danger处于危险中 in good/bad health身体好、差
8.        People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.
while 表示“某个动作正在进行的同时,另一个动作也在进行中”
  While he was reading,I was writing.  他在读书时,我在写字。
  While the teacher was speaking,the students were listening. 当老师在讲课时,学生们在听。
  run in all directions=run in every direction
9.        I could not see anything at all, and I did not know if anyone else was near me.
if 表示“是否”He asks me if it will rain tomorrow. 他问我明天是否会下雨。
I don’t know if you like flowers.   我不知道你是否喜欢花。
   not…at all “一点也不,根本不” She is not tired at all。 她一点也不累。
   Not at all “不用谢,不客气” Thank you very much. Not at all.

10.        A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.  一阵恐惧闪过我的脑海,但我告诉自己要冷静既然我还活着。
calm down “镇静下来” calm sb down “使某人镇静下来”
Tell him to calm down. 请叫他冷静下来。
He went out for a walk to calm himself down. 他出去散步,使自己平静下来。
Keep calm when you are in danger. 当你在危险中时,请保持平静。
since “既然”引导原因状语从句。
Since you can’t answer the question,we’d better ask someone else.
Since it is raining hard,let’s stay at home。既然天在下大雨,让我们待在家里吧。
11.  silent (adj.)  silently(adv.)  silence(n.)
  Would you please keep silent in the library? 你愿意在图书馆保持安静吗?
  He sits there silently, thinking about his problem. 他静静地坐在那儿,思考他的问题。
  There was silence for a moment and then someone had a good idea。片刻的沉默之后,有人有了个主意。
12.live, living, lively 的区别
alive 意为“活着” 侧重说明生与死之间的界限,用作表语,后置定语或补语。(不能作前置定语)
lively 意为“活泼的,活跃的”“充满生机的”可作定语,表语,或宾补。
She doesn’t know if he is alive or dead. 她不知道他是生还是死
Luckily,the dog is still alive after the snowstorm。幸运的是,在暴风雨之后那条狗还活着。
English is a living language. 英语是一门活的语言。
She is a lively girl. 她是一个活跃的女孩。
1.        My dad’s car broke down because of the cold weather. 由于天气寒冷,我爸爸的车出了故障。
break down   “出故障,坏掉“ Their car broke down。
because of    “因为,由于”后接 名词,代词,或动词ing形式
We didn’t go to the park because of the heavy rain. = We didn’t go to the park because it rained heavily.
2. while, when and as都表示“当……的时候”。
1). 当连接同时发生的两个延续性/长动作时,常用while引导。
e.g. While I was watching TV, he was listening to music.  Millie was reading a book while Eddie was sleeping.
2). 如果短暂性的动作是主句时,我们可以用when, while 或as 引导。
e.g. When/while/as Millie was watching TV, Andy came into the room.
3). 如果延续性的动作是主句时,我们经常用when 来连接。
e.g. Millie was watching TV when Andy came into the room.
4). 如果两个短暂性的动作同时发生,我们通常用as 连接。
e.g. As Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room.
1.        as…as possible=as…as sb can  “尽可能”
He did his homework as carefully as possible/he could. 他尽可能细心地做家庭作业。
Could you please ask him to call me as soon as possible/he can?请你让他尽快给我回电话好吗?
We should speak English as much as possible/we can.我们应该尽可能多说英语。
2. keep one’s safe from …使某人的安全远离 ……
  We must keep ourselves safe from fire. 我们必须要使我们自己的安全远离火
3. stay away from …     远离……    e.g. Please stay away from drugs. 请远离毒品。
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