




新兵 置顶 精华 2005-5-6 10:09 [复制链接]
发表于 2005-5-13 16:46:00
发表于 2005-5-14 11:30:00
用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I______to school from Monday to Friday. My brother often_______to school with me. Yesterday we_______to school together. We like________to school very much.      ( go )2.They usually_______lunch at home. But last week, they ____lunch at school.     ( have )3.That______my English book. It_____new. But now it_____not here.It______there a moment ago.  ( be )4.My sister likes________very much. She often _______at our school festival. Last term, she_______a lot of songs in the school hall. She_____beautifully.    ( sing )5.What _____ he usually_______on Sunday?  He usually_______his homework. Look! He__________his homework now.  _______he _______his homework last Sunday?  Yes, he_______.  ( do )6. Do people usually_______ moon cakes at Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, they do. Did you ________moom cakes last Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, I did. I _______a lot of delicious moom cakes. ( eat )7. -----How______you?  -----I_____fine. Thank you.-----Where_____you  yesterday? ----I____at home with my family  -----_______your father at home,too? ----- Yes, he______.      ( be )8.Jane is a dancer. She ________every day. Look! She ________________now.   ( dance )9. National Day is_________. A lot of people_______to Beijing two weeks ago.     ( come )10.She often________shopping with her nother. She likes______shopping in the shop. She _______shopping yesterday.     ( go )11.My brother_______a new wallet. I_______a waalet,too. Our wallets are from our parents.We_______them at a party yesterday.   (have )12.Where______my CD? It______not on the desk now. It______there just now. It _______my favourite present from my good friends. They______my classmates.   ( be )
发表于 2005-5-14 19:51:00
发表于 2005-5-15 09:13:00
发表于 2005-5-16 09:17:00
发表于 2005-5-16 10:39:00
发表于 2005-5-17 11:11:00
发表于 2005-5-18 12:49:00
  感动流涕哦!!5555555555555  谢谢了
发表于 2005-5-18 21:48:00
发表于 2005-5-18 21:56:00
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