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The health dangers of smoking have been wellreported. For years, doctors have warned that smoking can cause lung cancer.Studies also have linked smoking to several other kinds of cancer, heartattacks and other diseases, lung diseases, and a number of other medicalproblems. The repeated health warnings have had an effect. Thousands of peoplehave stopped smoking. But as many people have learned, stopping smoking can bevery difficult.
A major problem apparently is the nicotine, apoisonous substance found in tobacco. Small amounts of nicotine are released astobacco is burned. And over many years of smoking, a person’s body becomesdependenton the substance. A try to stop smoking brings the problems ofnicotine withdrawal(脱瘾过程).
American medical researchers have found thatnicotine withdrawal causes people to become angry very easily, aggressive,worried and unable to think sharply. Many people who have tried to stop smokingwould confirm those findings.
To help people give up smoking, some tobaccocompanies have proposed chewing tobacco, or using snuff as safe substitutes(替代物). Snuff is atobacco powder that usually is breathed in. But many people put it betweentheir gum and cheek.
A group of British scientists said recently thatmany lives could be saved by a major program to get cigarette smokers to changeto snuff. An American scientist, Allan Blum, disagreed. Dr. Blum argued thatsnuff, put in the mouth, can cause gum disease, teeth problems and throatproblems that lead to cancer. Dr. Blum also warned against chewing tobacco as asubstitute for smoking. He said chewing tobacco can lead to cancer of themouth, throat or digestive system.
Medical researchers say another possiblesubstitute for smoking is a special nicotine chewing gum. The gum is alreadysold in Europe and Canada.A report says research shows that the chewing gum will increase the amount ofnicotine in a person’s blood. This helps satisfy some people’s desire for acigarette. However, the report says, the chewing gum also leads to someunpleasant side effects. And it may be dangerous for people with heartproblems.
Two other American scientists say they havefound that the most effective way to stop smoking is to do it completely,suddenly, all at once. The report by Saul Shirtman and Dr. Murray Jogbett saysthat by stopping all at once, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal areover in just a few days. But, they say, by continuing to smoke, even a littleless each day, the problems of withdrawal never end completely.
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