三、选词填空。 1. The meat _______(smell / smells) nice. 2. Yang Ling__________(looks / is looking) for the juice now. 3. There_______(is / are) some milk in the cup. ........... 四、完成对话。 A: Hi , Dad. Where’s Mum? B: ______ in the kitchen. She’s ______ dinner. ......... 五、首字母填空。 It’s S______ today. The students are h______ a PE lesson in the p______. Mr Zhang is their teacher. He is t______ boys how to p______ basketball. ......... 六、小练笔。...... 预览已结束,请登录阅读全文。 本文共2页,您只能预览前2页,下载后可全文阅读 版权声明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领 |