Unit7 After School 牛津版小学英语5A 执教者 常熟市王庄中心小学 陈秋芳教学目标: 1.能听懂,会说,会读,会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答 2.能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语Perhaps they are/I’ll go and join them/Where are going? 教学重点难点:能听懂,会说,会读,会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答教学具准备:多媒体课件,实物钟,小黑板板书设计: Unit7 After School 1. he He’s reading a newspaper. What is doing? She She’s reading a magazine. 2. he reading a picture book? Yes, he is. Is She reading a newspaper? No, she’s not .She’s reading a magazine. 3. playing cards? No, they aren’t. Are they playing basketball? Yes, they are. 作业安排:课内 会朗读课文,在熟练的基础上进行表演课外 听课文录音三遍,模仿语音语调朗读教学过程: Step A Free talk 1、 生问候Good morning/Glad to see you. 2、 How are you? 3、 Do you like reading? Step B Look read and learn 1、由Free talk中的Do you like reading?得到肯定回答后引出He’s reading a newspaper.如: T: Do you like reading? S: Yes, I do. T: Good. Look, the boy likes reading , too. He’s reading a newspaper. (课件展示图片及句子He’s reading a newspaper.) 2、课件出示一小女孩阅读杂志的图片,问“What is she doing? Is she reading a newspaper?” (板书)当学生回答No时,师及时补充说No, she’s not. She’s reading a magazine 3、示下一张图片,问“Is he reading a picture book?”(板书)学生回答“是”时,师及时补充“Yes, he is.” 4、 复数形式的现在进行时的一般疑问句,课件出示图片play chess 如: T: Look, are they playing cards? S: No, they aren’t.(师引导) T: What are they doing? S: They are playing chess. 5.出示课文图片 a. WangBing和GaoShan打篮球的图片,问Are they playing basketball? b. SuYang和SuHai打扫图书馆的图片,问Are they studying in the library? (帮助学生理解课文的有关内容) Step C Work in pairs 1、出示图一,与一生对话: T: Is he sitting on a volleyball? S: No, he’s not. He’s sitting on a basketball. 对这段内容同桌进行操练,然后请几组学生表演 2、出示图二,与一优秀生示范对话 T: Are they playing cards? S: No, they aren’t. They are playing chess. 同桌对这段内容操练并表演 3.两人一组对其余画中内容进行操练,请几组学生表演 Step D Read and say 1、 示单词helping 和join a. 请一生上前帮老师擦桌子 T: SuYao, can you help me clean the desk? S: Yes, I can. 等她擦桌子时,对其他学生说Look, she’s helping me clean the desk.(板书helping) 师领读helping数遍,生开火车朗读 b. 由helping 引出join T: Girls, please read “helping”. Boys, please join girls, read the word “helping”.(板书join) 师领读 join数遍,生开火车朗读 2、课前准备好一个钟,指示三点,出示课文内容图片,通过提问It’s three o’clock in the afternoon, can you see Mike and WangBing in the office?等问题,让学生了解对话的基本背景。 3、 问题出示: a) Is WangBing helping MissLi in the office? b) Are Mike and WangBing playing basketball in the playground? c) Where is GaoShan going? d) Are SuYang and SuHai studying in the library? (四个问题在课件上呈现)引导学生听课文录音 4、 跟录音朗读,分角色朗读 5、 生表演对话 6、 课堂作业:练习册 7、 回家作业:听课文录音三遍,模仿语音语调朗读课文
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