教学内容:Unit 5 Signs (Story time)
Teaching Aims
1. 让学生听懂、会说、会读story time中出现的单词sign, shopping center, careful, mean,
floor; 听懂、会说、会读句型和日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …No
2. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇litter, go in,restaurant, careful, smoke。
3. 能借助提示,完整的复述本课对话
4. 通过本课时的学习,让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标识,并能用英语进行询问极其描述。
Teaching KeyPoints
1. 让学生通过朗读、表演理解课文。
2. 通过本课时的学习,让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标示,并能用英语进行询问及其描述。
Teaching DifficultPoints
Students Analysis 学生在五上已经学过情态动词can的用法,意思是“能、会”,本课是学习can和can’t的新用法,表示“允许”和“禁止”的意思。
Teaching Aids PPT, 图片
IndependentPreview Before Class
1. 试着读一读课文内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。
2. 听课文录音,试着模仿着读一读,并了解课文大意。
3. 搜集一些其它能用在校园里的标志。
Step 1 Freetalk & Game
T: Hello! What dayis it?
S: It’s Tuesday.
T: I’m going togive you an English lesson today?
Do you feel happy?
T: OK! So at thebeginning of this class. We’re going to play a game called ’Bomb’.
When you see the pictures, you may say thephrases loudly.
And when you see the ‘Bomb’, please say‘Bomb’.
First, stand up, everybody.
S: 1. Climbtrees 2. speak loudly 3. drink some juice 4. run fast
5. walk carefully
T: Now, class. Canwe climb trees in the park?
Can we speak loudly in the cinema?
Can we run fast in the playground?
Can we drink some juice in thelibrary?
S: See four signs.
T: We use somepictures to show them. What can we call them?
引出signs 课题, 带读,贴黑板
T: Where can yousee signs?课件
We can see signs in the …..
Yes, we can see signs in public.
Step 2 Story
1. Today, Mike,Helen and Tim don’t go to school. They want to buy someclothes and books. Where do they go? Now, listen to the story. (放录音)
a. shoppingcentre
We can buy clothes, bags, shoes and manyother things in it.
b. juice shop 学生齐读
We can buy juicein the shop.
c. book shop Who can say?
d. restaurant
Now, read followme. restaurant 读音
What can we buy?
T: (放课件) It means the floor is wet.
T: Now please readthese sentences follow me.
(手指板书贴上黑板) What does it mean?
It means the floor is wet.
1. Read follow me together.
2. Ask one pair to read.
T: Look! Mike seesa sign. But Tim is walking so fast. So what does Mike say?
(放课件)Be careful! 贴板书
Pay attention,Mike is worried about Tim. So he catches him. (提醒学生读句子时做出抓住的动作)
Yes,we also can say walk carefully. (板书上打。。。)
T: What will Timanswer? Can you imagine?
T: Now please readthe text follow me one by one.
Picture 2
T: After buyingsome things, they feel thirsty. So they want to drink some juice.
Look at Tim. Hefinds a new sign here. (贴标志板书)
What does itmean? Please read by yourselves.
S: It means youcan’t litter here. (贴板书)
T: Now read followme ‘litter’
T: Good. Now let’sread the text in roles.
I’ll be thenarrator. Groups: Mike, Helen, Tim.
Picture 3 andPicture4
After buying somejuice, they go to a bookshop and the restaurant.
What signs do theysee? So, first, please read, then talk in groups, thirdly read or act the text.
You should finishthem within 3minutes.
While reading, ifyou have any new words, you can learn from the picture and the story, from yourpartner and your teacher.
Picture 3
T: Do you have anynew words?
S: No.
T: What does thesign mean? (课件圈出sign,并贴板书)
S: It means youcan’t eat or drink there.
T: (贴板书) Who can read this sentence?
T: 如果学生读的不到位,教师指导朗读。
S: 跟读
T: Who wants tohave a try again? 再请一个同学试一试。
T: Good. Now let’sread it together.
T: There’s a signhere. So Mike says to Helen?
S: You cant’…..(同时课件划线,并贴板书)
T: Who wants toread this sentence?
T: Who readsbetter? You should read more seriously.
S: S1 or S2
T: Let’s readmodel like S1/S2.
T: Now let ‘s actthis text.
Picture 4
T: So what doesHelen say?
出句子Is someone smoking? I can smell it.
T: Pay attentionto Helen. She doesn’t like that smell. She shakes her hand. So how to read the sentence? Maybe you canread like this. Do a model.
S: Read andfollow.
T: Now let’s readtogether.
T: Now, who canread these sentences?
T: Pay attention,Tim is a child. How to read more politely? Maybe you can read slowly.
Who wants to read again.
T: better
T: Now read ittogether.
T: Now It’s yourturn to read or act the text.
Let’s retell thetext.
A short play